loginOnly = !empty( $params['loginOnly'] ); } /** * Check if the password has expired and needs a reset * * @param string $username * @param \stdClass $row A row from the user table * @return \stdClass|null */ protected function getPasswordResetData( $username, $row ) { $now = (int)wfTimestamp(); $expiration = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_UNIX, $row->user_password_expires ); if ( $expiration === null || (int)$expiration >= $now ) { return null; } $grace = $this->config->get( 'PasswordExpireGrace' ); if ( (int)$expiration + $grace < $now ) { $data = [ 'hard' => true, 'msg' => \Status::newFatal( 'resetpass-expired' )->getMessage(), ]; } else { $data = [ 'hard' => false, 'msg' => \Status::newFatal( 'resetpass-expired-soft' )->getMessage(), ]; } return (object)$data; } public function beginPrimaryAuthentication( array $reqs ) { $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $reqs, PasswordAuthenticationRequest::class ); if ( !$req ) { return AuthenticationResponse::newAbstain(); } if ( $req->username === null || $req->password === null ) { return AuthenticationResponse::newAbstain(); } $username = User::getCanonicalName( $req->username, 'usable' ); if ( $username === false ) { return AuthenticationResponse::newAbstain(); } $fields = [ 'user_id', 'user_password', 'user_password_expires', ]; $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'user', $fields, [ 'user_name' => $username ], __METHOD__ ); if ( !$row ) { // Do not reveal whether its bad username or // bad password to prevent username enumeration // on private wikis. (T134100) return $this->failResponse( $req ); } $oldRow = clone $row; // Check for *really* old password hashes that don't even have a type // The old hash format was just an md5 hex hash, with no type information if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/', $row->user_password ) ) { $row->user_password = ":B:{$row->user_id}:{$row->user_password}"; } $status = $this->checkPasswordValidity( $username, $req->password ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { // Fatal, can't log in return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() ); } $pwhash = $this->getPassword( $row->user_password ); if ( !$pwhash->verify( $req->password ) ) { if ( $this->config->get( 'LegacyEncoding' ) ) { // Some wikis were converted from ISO 8859-1 to UTF-8, the passwords can't be converted // Check for this with iconv $cp1252Password = iconv( 'UTF-8', 'WINDOWS-1252//TRANSLIT', $req->password ); if ( $cp1252Password === $req->password || !$pwhash->verify( $cp1252Password ) ) { return $this->failResponse( $req ); } } else { return $this->failResponse( $req ); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ( $this->getPasswordFactory()->needsUpdate( $pwhash ) ) { $newHash = $this->getPasswordFactory()->newFromPlaintext( $req->password ); $fname = __METHOD__; \DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $newHash, $oldRow, $fname ) { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->update( 'user', [ 'user_password' => $newHash->toString() ], [ 'user_id' => $oldRow->user_id, 'user_password' => $oldRow->user_password ], $fname ); } ); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $this->setPasswordResetFlag( $username, $status, $row ); return AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $username ); } public function testUserCanAuthenticate( $username ) { $username = User::getCanonicalName( $username, 'usable' ); if ( $username === false ) { return false; } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'user', [ 'user_password' ], [ 'user_name' => $username ], __METHOD__ ); if ( !$row ) { return false; } // Check for *really* old password hashes that don't even have a type // The old hash format was just an md5 hex hash, with no type information if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/', $row->user_password ) ) { return true; } return !$this->getPassword( $row->user_password ) instanceof \InvalidPassword; } public function testUserExists( $username, $flags = User::READ_NORMAL ) { $username = User::getCanonicalName( $username, 'usable' ); if ( $username === false ) { return false; } list( $db, $options ) = \DBAccessObjectUtils::getDBOptions( $flags ); return (bool)wfGetDB( $db )->selectField( [ 'user' ], 'user_id', [ 'user_name' => $username ], __METHOD__, $options ); } public function providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange( AuthenticationRequest $req, $checkData = true ) { // We only want to blank the password if something else will accept the // new authentication data, so return 'ignore' here. if ( $this->loginOnly ) { return \StatusValue::newGood( 'ignored' ); } if ( get_class( $req ) === PasswordAuthenticationRequest::class ) { if ( !$checkData ) { return \StatusValue::newGood(); } $username = User::getCanonicalName( $req->username, 'usable' ); if ( $username !== false ) { $row = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER )->selectRow( 'user', [ 'user_id' ], [ 'user_name' => $username ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $row ) { $sv = \StatusValue::newGood(); if ( $req->password !== null ) { if ( $req->password !== $req->retype ) { $sv->fatal( 'badretype' ); } else { $sv->merge( $this->checkPasswordValidity( $username, $req->password ) ); } } return $sv; } } } return \StatusValue::newGood( 'ignored' ); } public function providerChangeAuthenticationData( AuthenticationRequest $req ) { $username = $req->username !== null ? User::getCanonicalName( $req->username, 'usable' ) : false; if ( $username === false ) { return; } $pwhash = null; if ( get_class( $req ) === PasswordAuthenticationRequest::class ) { if ( $this->loginOnly ) { $pwhash = $this->getPasswordFactory()->newFromCiphertext( null ); $expiry = null; } else { $pwhash = $this->getPasswordFactory()->newFromPlaintext( $req->password ); $expiry = $this->getNewPasswordExpiry( $username ); } } if ( $pwhash ) { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->update( 'user', [ 'user_password' => $pwhash->toString(), 'user_password_expires' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $expiry ), ], [ 'user_name' => $username ], __METHOD__ ); } } public function accountCreationType() { return $this->loginOnly ? self::TYPE_NONE : self::TYPE_CREATE; } public function testForAccountCreation( $user, $creator, array $reqs ) { $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $reqs, PasswordAuthenticationRequest::class ); $ret = \StatusValue::newGood(); if ( !$this->loginOnly && $req && $req->username !== null && $req->password !== null ) { if ( $req->password !== $req->retype ) { $ret->fatal( 'badretype' ); } else { $ret->merge( $this->checkPasswordValidity( $user->getName(), $req->password ) ); } } return $ret; } public function beginPrimaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, array $reqs ) { if ( $this->accountCreationType() === self::TYPE_NONE ) { throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'Shouldn\'t call this when accountCreationType() is NONE' ); } $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $reqs, PasswordAuthenticationRequest::class ); if ( $req && $req->username !== null && $req->password !== null ) { // Nothing we can do besides claim it, because the user isn't in // the DB yet if ( $req->username !== $user->getName() ) { $req = clone $req; $req->username = $user->getName(); } $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $req->username ); $ret->createRequest = $req; return $ret; } return AuthenticationResponse::newAbstain(); } public function finishAccountCreation( $user, $creator, AuthenticationResponse $res ) { if ( $this->accountCreationType() === self::TYPE_NONE ) { throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'Shouldn\'t call this when accountCreationType() is NONE' ); } // Now that the user is in the DB, set the password on it. $this->providerChangeAuthenticationData( $res->createRequest ); return null; } }