persist(); // Some stuff copied from EditAction $this->useTransactionalTimeLimit(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $out->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' ); if ( $this->getContext()->getConfig()->get( 'UseMediaWikiUIEverywhere' ) ) { $out->addModuleStyles( [ 'mediawiki.ui.input', 'mediawiki.ui.checkbox', ] ); } // IP warning headers copied from EditPage // (should more be copied?) if ( wfReadOnly() ) { $out->wrapWikiMsg( "
", [ 'readonlywarning', wfReadOnlyReason() ] ); } elseif ( $this->context->getUser()->isAnon() ) { if ( !$this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'wpPreview' ) ) { $out->wrapWikiMsg( "
", [ 'anoneditwarning', // Log-in link SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' )->getFullURL( [ 'returnto' => $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey() ] ), // Sign-up link SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'CreateAccount' )->getFullURL( [ 'returnto' => $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey() ] ) ] ); } else { $out->wrapWikiMsg( "
", 'anonpreviewwarning' ); } } parent::show(); } protected function initFromParameters() { $this->undoafter = $this->getRequest()->getInt( 'undoafter' ); $this->undo = $this->getRequest()->getInt( 'undo' ); if ( $this->undo == 0 || $this->undoafter == 0 ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'mcrundo-missingparam' ); } $curRev = $this->getWikiPage()->getRevisionRecord(); if ( !$curRev ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'nopagetext' ); } $this->curRev = $curRev; $this->cur = $this->getRequest()->getInt( 'cur', $this->curRev->getId() ); } protected function checkCanExecute( User $user ) { parent::checkCanExecute( $user ); $this->initFromParameters(); $revisionLookup = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionLookup(); $undoRev = $revisionLookup->getRevisionById( $this->undo ); $oldRev = $revisionLookup->getRevisionById( $this->undoafter ); if ( $undoRev === null || $oldRev === null || $undoRev->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) || $oldRev->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'undo-norev' ); } return true; } /** * @return MutableRevisionRecord */ private function getNewRevision() { $revisionLookup = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionLookup(); $undoRev = $revisionLookup->getRevisionById( $this->undo ); $oldRev = $revisionLookup->getRevisionById( $this->undoafter ); $curRev = $this->curRev; $isLatest = $curRev->getId() === $undoRev->getId(); if ( $undoRev === null || $oldRev === null || $undoRev->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) || $oldRev->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'undo-norev' ); } if ( $isLatest ) { // Short cut! Undoing the current revision means we just restore the old. return MutableRevisionRecord::newFromParentRevision( $oldRev ); } $newRev = MutableRevisionRecord::newFromParentRevision( $curRev ); // Figure out the roles that need merging by first collecting all roles // and then removing the ones that don't. $rolesToMerge = array_unique( array_merge( $oldRev->getSlotRoles(), $undoRev->getSlotRoles(), $curRev->getSlotRoles() ) ); // Any roles with the same content in $oldRev and $undoRev can be // inherited because undo won't change them. $rolesToMerge = array_intersect( $rolesToMerge, $oldRev->getSlots()->getRolesWithDifferentContent( $undoRev->getSlots() ) ); if ( !$rolesToMerge ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'undo-nochange' ); } // Any roles with the same content in $oldRev and $curRev were already reverted // and so can be inherited. $rolesToMerge = array_intersect( $rolesToMerge, $oldRev->getSlots()->getRolesWithDifferentContent( $curRev->getSlots() ) ); if ( !$rolesToMerge ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'undo-nochange' ); } // Any roles with the same content in $undoRev and $curRev weren't // changed since and so can be reverted to $oldRev. $diffRoles = array_intersect( $rolesToMerge, $undoRev->getSlots()->getRolesWithDifferentContent( $curRev->getSlots() ) ); foreach ( array_diff( $rolesToMerge, $diffRoles ) as $role ) { if ( $oldRev->hasSlot( $role ) ) { $newRev->inheritSlot( $oldRev->getSlot( $role, RevisionRecord::RAW ) ); } else { $newRev->removeSlot( $role ); } } $rolesToMerge = $diffRoles; // Any slot additions or removals not handled by the above checks can't be undone. // There will be only one of the three revisions missing the slot: // - !old means it was added in the undone revisions and modified after. // Should it be removed entirely for the undo, or should the modified version be kept? // - !undo means it was removed in the undone revisions and then readded with different content. // Which content is should be kept, the old or the new? // - !cur means it was changed in the undone revisions and then deleted after. // Did someone delete vandalized content instead of undoing (meaning we should ideally restore // it), or should it stay gone? foreach ( $rolesToMerge as $role ) { if ( !$oldRev->hasSlot( $role ) || !$undoRev->hasSlot( $role ) || !$curRev->hasSlot( $role ) ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'undo-failure' ); } } // Try to merge anything that's left. foreach ( $rolesToMerge as $role ) { $oldContent = $oldRev->getSlot( $role, RevisionRecord::RAW )->getContent(); $undoContent = $undoRev->getSlot( $role, RevisionRecord::RAW )->getContent(); $curContent = $curRev->getSlot( $role, RevisionRecord::RAW )->getContent(); $newContent = $undoContent->getContentHandler() ->getUndoContent( $curContent, $undoContent, $oldContent, $isLatest ); if ( !$newContent ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'undo-failure' ); } $newRev->setSlot( SlotRecord::newUnsaved( $role, $newContent ) ); } return $newRev; } private function generateDiffOrPreview() { $newRev = $this->getNewRevision(); if ( $newRev->hasSameContent( $this->curRev ) ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'undo-nochange' ); } $diffEngine = new DifferenceEngine( $this->context ); $diffEngine->setRevisions( $this->curRev, $newRev ); $oldtitle = $this->context->msg( 'currentrev' )->parse(); $newtitle = $this->context->msg( 'yourtext' )->parse(); if ( $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'wpPreview' ) ) { $this->showPreview( $newRev ); return ''; } else { $diffText = $diffEngine->getDiff( $oldtitle, $newtitle ); $diffEngine->showDiffStyle(); return '
' . $diffText . '
'; } } private function showPreview( RevisionRecord $rev ) { // Mostly copied from EditPage::getPreviewText() $out = $this->getOutput(); try { $previewHTML = ''; # provide a anchor link to the form $continueEditing = '' . '[[#mw-mcrundo-form|' . $this->context->getLanguage()->getArrow() . ' ' . $this->context->msg( 'continue-editing' )->text() . ']]'; $note = $this->context->msg( 'previewnote' )->plain() . ' ' . $continueEditing; $parserOptions = $this->getWikiPage()->makeParserOptions( $this->context ); $parserOptions->setIsPreview( true ); $parserOptions->setIsSectionPreview( false ); $parserOptions->enableLimitReport(); $parserOutput = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionRenderer() ->getRenderedRevision( $rev, $parserOptions, $this->context->getUser() ) ->getRevisionParserOutput(); $previewHTML = $parserOutput->getText( [ 'enableSectionEditLinks' => false ] ); $out->addParserOutputMetadata( $parserOutput ); if ( count( $parserOutput->getWarnings() ) ) { $note .= "\n\n" . implode( "\n\n", $parserOutput->getWarnings() ); } } catch ( MWContentSerializationException $ex ) { $m = $this->context->msg( 'content-failed-to-parse', $ex->getMessage() ); $note .= "\n\n" . $m->parse(); $previewHTML = ''; } $previewhead = Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'previewnote' ], Html::element( 'h2', [ 'id' => 'mw-previewheader' ], $this->context->msg( 'preview' )->text() ) . Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'warningbox' ], $out->parseAsInterface( $note ) ) ); $pageViewLang = $this->getTitle()->getPageViewLanguage(); $attribs = [ 'lang' => $pageViewLang->getHtmlCode(), 'dir' => $pageViewLang->getDir(), 'class' => 'mw-content-' . $pageViewLang->getDir() ]; $previewHTML = Html::rawElement( 'div', $attribs, $previewHTML ); $out->addHTML( $previewhead . $previewHTML ); } public function onSubmit( $data ) { global $wgUseRCPatrol; if ( !$this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'wpSave' ) ) { // Diff or preview return false; } $updater = $this->getWikiPage()->newPageUpdater( $this->context->getUser() ); $curRev = $updater->grabParentRevision(); if ( !$curRev ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'mcrundofailed', 'nopagetext' ); } if ( $this->cur !== $curRev->getId() ) { return Status::newFatal( 'mcrundo-changed' ); } $newRev = $this->getNewRevision(); if ( !$newRev->hasSameContent( $curRev ) ) { $revisionStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionStore(); // Copy new slots into the PageUpdater, and remove any removed slots. // TODO: This interface is awful, there should be a way to just pass $newRev. // TODO: MCR: test this once we can store multiple slots foreach ( $newRev->getSlots()->getSlots() as $slot ) { $updater->setSlot( $slot ); } foreach ( $curRev->getSlotRoles() as $role ) { if ( !$newRev->hasSlot( $role ) ) { $updater->removeSlot( $role ); } } // The revision we revert to is specified by the undoafter param. // $oldRev is not null, we check this and more in getNewRevision() $oldRev = $revisionStore->getRevisionById( $this->undoafter ); $oldestRevertedRev = $revisionStore->getNextRevision( $oldRev ); if ( $oldestRevertedRev ) { $updater->markAsRevert( EditResult::REVERT_UNDO, $oldestRevertedRev->getId(), $this->undo ); } else { // fallback in case something goes wrong $updater->markAsRevert( EditResult::REVERT_UNDO, $this->undo ); } // Set the original revision ID if this is an exact revert. if ( $oldRev->hasSameContent( $newRev ) ) { $updater->setOriginalRevisionId( $oldRev->getId() ); } $permissionManager = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPermissionManager(); // TODO: Ugh. if ( $wgUseRCPatrol && $permissionManager->userCan( 'autopatrol', $this->getUser(), $this->getTitle() ) ) { $updater->setRcPatrolStatus( RecentChange::PRC_AUTOPATROLLED ); } $updater->saveRevision( CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( trim( $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'wpSummary' ) ) ), EDIT_AUTOSUMMARY | EDIT_UPDATE ); return $updater->getStatus(); } return Status::newGood(); } protected function usesOOUI() { return true; } protected function getFormFields() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $ret = [ 'diff' => [ 'type' => 'info', 'vertical-label' => true, 'raw' => true, 'default' => function () { return $this->generateDiffOrPreview(); } ], 'summary' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'wpSummary', 'name' => 'wpSummary', 'cssclass' => 'mw-summary', 'label-message' => 'summary', 'maxlength' => CommentStore::COMMENT_CHARACTER_LIMIT, 'value' => $request->getVal( 'wpSummary', '' ), 'size' => 60, 'spellcheck' => 'true', ], 'summarypreview' => [ 'type' => 'info', 'label-message' => 'summary-preview', 'raw' => true, ], ]; if ( $request->getCheck( 'wpSummary' ) ) { $ret['summarypreview']['default'] = Xml::tags( 'div', [ 'class' => 'mw-summary-preview' ], Linker::commentBlock( trim( $request->getVal( 'wpSummary' ) ), $this->getTitle(), false ) ); } else { unset( $ret['summarypreview'] ); } return $ret; } protected function alterForm( HTMLForm $form ) { $form->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'confirm-mcrundo-title' ); $labelAsPublish = $this->context->getConfig()->get( 'EditSubmitButtonLabelPublish' ); $form->setId( 'mw-mcrundo-form' ); $form->setSubmitName( 'wpSave' ); $form->setSubmitTooltip( $labelAsPublish ? 'publish' : 'save' ); $form->setSubmitTextMsg( $labelAsPublish ? 'publishchanges' : 'savechanges' ); $form->showCancel( true ); $form->setCancelTarget( $this->getTitle() ); $form->addButton( [ 'name' => 'wpPreview', 'value' => '1', 'label-message' => 'showpreview', 'attribs' => Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'preview' ), ] ); $form->addButton( [ 'name' => 'wpDiff', 'value' => '1', 'label-message' => 'showdiff', 'attribs' => Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'diff' ), ] ); $this->addStatePropagationFields( $form ); } protected function addStatePropagationFields( HTMLForm $form ) { $form->addHiddenField( 'undo', $this->undo ); $form->addHiddenField( 'undoafter', $this->undoafter ); $form->addHiddenField( 'cur', $this->curRev->getId() ); } public function onSuccess() { $this->getOutput()->redirect( $this->getTitle()->getFullURL() ); } protected function preText() { return '
'; } }