templateDir = $templateDir ?: __DIR__ . '/templates'; if ( $cache === true ) { wfDeprecated( __CLASS__ . ' with $forceRecompile', '1.35' ); $cache = new EmptyBagOStuff(); } $this->cache = $cache ?: ObjectCache::getLocalServerInstance( CACHE_ANYTHING ); // Do not add more flags here without discussion. // If you do add more flags, be sure to update unit tests as well. $this->compileFlags = LightnCandy::FLAG_ERROR_EXCEPTION | LightnCandy::FLAG_MUSTACHELOOKUP; } /** * Enable/disable the use of recursive partials. * @param bool $enable */ public function enableRecursivePartials( $enable ) { if ( $enable ) { $this->compileFlags |= LightnCandy::FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL; } else { $this->compileFlags &= ~LightnCandy::FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL; } } /** * Constructs the location of the source Mustache template * @param string $templateName The name of the template * @return string * @throws UnexpectedValueException If $templateName attempts upwards directory traversal */ protected function getTemplateFilename( $templateName ) { // Prevent path traversal. Based on Language::isValidCode(). // This is for paranoia. The $templateName should never come from // untrusted input. if ( strcspn( $templateName, ":/\\\000&<>'\"%" ) !== strlen( $templateName ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Malformed \$templateName: $templateName" ); } return "{$this->templateDir}/{$templateName}.mustache"; } /** * Returns a given template function if found, otherwise throws an exception. * @param string $templateName The name of the template (without file suffix) * @return callable * @throws RuntimeException When the template file cannot be found * @throws RuntimeException When the compiled template isn't callable. This is indicative of a * bug in LightnCandy */ protected function getTemplate( $templateName ) { $templateKey = $templateName . '|' . $this->compileFlags; // If a renderer has already been defined for this template, reuse it if ( isset( $this->renderers[$templateKey] ) && is_callable( $this->renderers[$templateKey] ) ) { return $this->renderers[$templateKey]; } // Fetch a secret key for building a keyed hash of the PHP code $config = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig(); $secretKey = $config->get( 'SecretKey' ); if ( $secretKey ) { // See if the compiled PHP code is stored in the server-local cache. $key = $this->cache->makeKey( 'lightncandy-compiled', self::CACHE_VERSION, $this->compileFlags, $this->templateDir, $templateName ); $compiledTemplate = $this->cache->get( $key ); // 1. Has the template changed since the compiled template was cached? If so, don't use // the cached code. if ( $compiledTemplate ) { $filesHash = FileContentsHasher::getFileContentsHash( $compiledTemplate['files'] ); if ( $filesHash !== $compiledTemplate['filesHash'] ) { $compiledTemplate = null; } } // 2. Is the integrity of the cached PHP code compromised? If so, don't use the cached // code. if ( $compiledTemplate ) { $integrityHash = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $compiledTemplate['phpCode'], $secretKey ); if ( $integrityHash !== $compiledTemplate['integrityHash'] ) { $compiledTemplate = null; } } // We're not using the cached code for whathever reason. Recompile the template and // cache it. if ( !$compiledTemplate ) { $compiledTemplate = $this->compile( $templateName ); $compiledTemplate['integrityHash'] = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $compiledTemplate['phpCode'], $secretKey ); $this->cache->set( $key, $compiledTemplate, self::CACHE_TTL ); } // If there is no secret key available, don't use cache } else { $compiledTemplate = $this->compile( $templateName ); } $renderer = eval( $compiledTemplate['phpCode'] ); if ( !is_callable( $renderer ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Compiled template `{$templateName}` is not callable" ); } $this->renderers[$templateKey] = $renderer; return $renderer; } /** * Compile the Mustache template into PHP code using LightnCandy. * * The compilation step generates both PHP code and metadata, which is also returned in the * result. An example result looks as follows: * * ```php * [ * 'phpCode' => '...', * 'files' => [ * '/path/to/template.mustache', * '/path/to/partial1.mustache', * '/path/to/partial2.mustache', * 'filesHash' => '...' * ] * ``` * * The `files` entry is a list of the files read during the compilation of the template. Each * entry is the fully-qualified filename, i.e. it includes path information. * * The `filesHash` entry can be used to determine whether the template has changed since it was * last compiled without compiling the template again. Currently, the `filesHash` entry is * generated with FileContentsHasher::getFileContentsHash. * * @param string $templateName The name of the template * @return array An associative array containing the PHP code and metadata about its compilation * @throws Exception Thrown by LightnCandy if it could not compile the Mustache code * @throws RuntimeException If LightnCandy could not compile the Mustache code but did not throw * an exception. This exception is indicative of a bug in LightnCandy * @suppress PhanTypeMismatchArgument */ protected function compile( $templateName ) { $filename = $this->getTemplateFilename( $templateName ); if ( !file_exists( $filename ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find template `{$templateName}` at {$filename}" ); } $files = [ $filename ]; $contents = file_get_contents( $filename ); $compiled = LightnCandy::compile( $contents, [ 'flags' => $this->compileFlags, 'basedir' => $this->templateDir, 'fileext' => '.mustache', 'partialresolver' => function ( $cx, $partialName ) use ( $templateName, &$files ) { $filename = "{$this->templateDir}/{$partialName}.mustache"; if ( !file_exists( $filename ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( sprintf( 'Could not compile template `%s`: Could not find partial `%s` at %s', $templateName, $partialName, $filename ) ); } $fileContents = file_get_contents( $filename ); if ( $fileContents === false ) { throw new RuntimeException( sprintf( 'Could not compile template `%s`: Could not find partial `%s` at %s', $templateName, $partialName, $filename ) ); } $files[] = $filename; return $fileContents; } ] ); if ( !$compiled ) { // This shouldn't happen because LightnCandy::FLAG_ERROR_EXCEPTION is set // Errors should throw exceptions instead of returning false // Check anyway for paranoia throw new RuntimeException( "Could not compile template `{$filename}`" ); } return [ 'phpCode' => $compiled, 'files' => $files, 'filesHash' => FileContentsHasher::getFileContentsHash( $files ), ]; } /** * Returns HTML for a given template by calling the template function with the given args * * @code * echo $templateParser->processTemplate( * 'ExampleTemplate', * [ * 'username' => $user->getName(), * 'message' => 'Hello!' * ] * ); * @endcode * @param string $templateName The name of the template * @param-taint $templateName exec_misc * @param mixed $args * @param-taint $args none * @param array $scopes * @param-taint $scopes none * @return string */ public function processTemplate( $templateName, $args, array $scopes = [] ) { $template = $this->getTemplate( $templateName ); return $template( $args, $scopes ); } }