<?php /** * Value object representing a modification of revision slots. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file */ namespace MediaWiki\Storage; use Content; use MediaWiki\Revision\MutableRevisionSlots; use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionAccessException; use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionSlots; use MediaWiki\Revision\SlotRecord; /** * Value object representing a modification of revision slots. * * @since 1.32 */ class RevisionSlotsUpdate { /** * @var SlotRecord[] modified slots, using the slot role as the key. */ private $modifiedSlots = []; /** * @var bool[] removed roles, stored in the keys of the array. */ private $removedRoles = []; /** * Constructs a RevisionSlotsUpdate representing the update that turned $parentSlots * into $newSlots. If $parentSlots is not given, $newSlots is assumed to come from a * page's first revision. * * @param RevisionSlots $newSlots * @param RevisionSlots|null $parentSlots * * @return RevisionSlotsUpdate */ public static function newFromRevisionSlots( RevisionSlots $newSlots, RevisionSlots $parentSlots = null ) { $modified = $newSlots->getSlots(); $removed = []; if ( $parentSlots ) { foreach ( $parentSlots->getSlots() as $role => $slot ) { if ( !isset( $modified[$role] ) ) { $removed[] = $role; } elseif ( $slot->hasSameContent( $modified[$role] ) ) { // Unset slots that had the same content in the parent revision from $modified. unset( $modified[$role] ); } } } return new RevisionSlotsUpdate( $modified, $removed ); } /** * Constructs a RevisionSlotsUpdate representing the update of $parentSlots * when changing $newContent. If a slot has the same content in $newContent * as in $parentSlots, that slot is considered inherited and thus omitted from * the resulting RevisionSlotsUpdate. * * In contrast to newFromRevisionSlots(), slots in $parentSlots that are not present * in $newContent are not considered removed. They are instead assumed to be inherited. * * @param Content[] $newContent The new content, using slot roles as array keys. * @param RevisionSlots|null $parentSlots * * @return RevisionSlotsUpdate */ public static function newFromContent( array $newContent, RevisionSlots $parentSlots = null ) { $modified = []; foreach ( $newContent as $role => $content ) { $slot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( $role, $content ); if ( $parentSlots && $parentSlots->hasSlot( $role ) && $slot->hasSameContent( $parentSlots->getSlot( $role ) ) ) { // Skip slots that had the same content in the parent revision from $modified. continue; } $modified[$role] = $slot; } return new RevisionSlotsUpdate( $modified ); } /** * @param SlotRecord[] $modifiedSlots * @param string[] $removedRoles */ public function __construct( array $modifiedSlots = [], array $removedRoles = [] ) { foreach ( $modifiedSlots as $slot ) { $this->modifySlot( $slot ); } foreach ( $removedRoles as $role ) { $this->removeSlot( $role ); } } /** * Returns a list of modified slot roles, that is, roles modified by calling modifySlot(), * and not later removed by calling removeSlot(). * * Note that slots in modified roles may still be inherited slots. This is for instance * the case when the RevisionSlotsUpdate objects represents some kind of rollback * operation, in which slots that existed in an earlier revision are restored in * a new revision. * * @return string[] */ public function getModifiedRoles() { return array_keys( $this->modifiedSlots ); } /** * Returns a list of removed slot roles, that is, roles removed by calling removeSlot(), * and not later re-introduced by calling modifySlot(). * * @return string[] */ public function getRemovedRoles() { return array_keys( $this->removedRoles ); } /** * Returns a list of all slot roles that modified or removed. * * @return string[] */ public function getTouchedRoles() { return array_merge( $this->getModifiedRoles(), $this->getRemovedRoles() ); } /** * Sets the given slot to be modified. * If a slot with the same role is already present, it is replaced. * * The roles used with modifySlot() will be returned from getModifiedRoles(), * unless overwritten with removeSlot(). * * @param SlotRecord $slot */ public function modifySlot( SlotRecord $slot ) { $role = $slot->getRole(); // XXX: We should perhaps require this to be an unsaved slot! unset( $this->removedRoles[$role] ); $this->modifiedSlots[$role] = $slot; } /** * Sets the content for the slot with the given role to be modified. * If a slot with the same role is already present, it is replaced. * * @param string $role * @param Content $content */ public function modifyContent( $role, Content $content ) { $slot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( $role, $content ); $this->modifySlot( $slot ); } /** * Remove the slot for the given role, discontinue the corresponding stream. * * The roles used with removeSlot() will be returned from getRemovedSlots(), * unless overwritten with modifySlot(). * * @param string $role */ public function removeSlot( $role ) { unset( $this->modifiedSlots[$role] ); $this->removedRoles[$role] = true; } /** * Returns the SlotRecord associated with the given role, if the slot with that role * was modified (and not again removed). * * @note If the SlotRecord returned by this method returns a non-inherited slot, * the content of that slot may or may not already have PST applied. Methods * that take a RevisionSlotsUpdate as a parameter should specify whether they * expect PST to already have been applied to all slots. Inherited slots * should never have PST applied again. * * @param string $role The role name of the desired slot * * @throws RevisionAccessException if the slot does not exist or was removed. * @return SlotRecord */ public function getModifiedSlot( $role ) { if ( isset( $this->modifiedSlots[$role] ) ) { return $this->modifiedSlots[$role]; } else { throw new RevisionAccessException( 'No such slot: ' . $role ); } } /** * Returns whether getModifiedSlot() will return a SlotRecord for the given role. * * Will return true for the role names returned by getModifiedRoles(), false otherwise. * * @param string $role The role name of the desired slot * * @return bool */ public function isModifiedSlot( $role ) { return isset( $this->modifiedSlots[$role] ); } /** * Returns whether the given role is to be removed from the page. * * Will return true for the role names returned by getRemovedRoles(), false otherwise. * * @param string $role The role name of the desired slot * * @return bool */ public function isRemovedSlot( $role ) { return isset( $this->removedRoles[$role] ); } /** * Returns true if $other represents the same update - that is, * if all methods defined by RevisionSlotsUpdate when called on $this or $other * will yield the same result when called with the same parameters. * * SlotRecords for the same role are compared based on their model and content. * * @param RevisionSlotsUpdate $other * @return bool */ public function hasSameUpdates( RevisionSlotsUpdate $other ) { // NOTE: use != not !==, since the order of entries is not significant! if ( $this->getModifiedRoles() != $other->getModifiedRoles() ) { return false; } if ( $this->getRemovedRoles() != $other->getRemovedRoles() ) { return false; } foreach ( $this->getModifiedRoles() as $role ) { $s = $this->getModifiedSlot( $role ); $t = $other->getModifiedSlot( $role ); if ( !$s->hasSameContent( $t ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Applies this update to the given MutableRevisionSlots, setting all modified slots, * and removing all removed roles. * * @param MutableRevisionSlots $slots */ public function apply( MutableRevisionSlots $slots ) { foreach ( $this->getModifiedRoles() as $role ) { $slots->setSlot( $this->getModifiedSlot( $role ) ); } foreach ( $this->getRemovedRoles() as $role ) { $slots->removeSlot( $role ); } } }