loadBalancer = $dbLoadBalancer; $this->cache = $cache; $this->logger = $logger; $this->table = $table; $this->idField = $idField; $this->nameField = $nameField; $this->normalizationCallback = $normalizationCallback; $this->domain = $dbDomain; $this->cacheTTL = IExpiringStore::TTL_MONTH; $this->insertCallback = $insertCallback; } /** * @param int $index A database index, like DB_MASTER or DB_REPLICA * @param int $flags Database connection flags * * @return IDatabase */ private function getDBConnection( $index, $flags = 0 ) { return $this->loadBalancer->getConnectionRef( $index, [], $this->domain, $flags ); } /** * Gets the cache key for names. * * The cache key is constructed based on the wiki ID passed to the constructor, and allows * sharing of name tables cached for a specific database between wikis. * * @return string */ private function getCacheKey() { return $this->cache->makeGlobalKey( 'NameTableSqlStore', $this->table, $this->loadBalancer->resolveDomainID( $this->domain ) ); } /** * @param string $name * @return string */ private function normalizeName( $name ) { if ( $this->normalizationCallback === null ) { return $name; } return call_user_func( $this->normalizationCallback, $name ); } /** * Acquire the id of the given name. * This creates a row in the table if it doesn't already exist. * * @note If called within an atomic section, there is a chance for the acquired ID * to be lost on rollback. A best effort is made to re-insert the mapping * in this case, and consistency of the cache with the database table is ensured * by re-loading the map after a failed atomic section. However, there is no guarantee * that an ID returned by this method is valid outside the transaction in which it * was produced. This means that calling code should not retain the return value beyond * the scope of a transaction, but rather call acquireId() again after the transaction * is complete. In some rare cases, this may produce an ID different from the first call. * * @param string $name * @throws NameTableAccessException * @return int */ public function acquireId( $name ) { Assert::parameterType( 'string', $name, '$name' ); $name = $this->normalizeName( $name ); $table = $this->getTableFromCachesOrReplica(); $searchResult = array_search( $name, $table, true ); if ( $searchResult === false ) { $id = $this->store( $name ); if ( $id === null ) { // RACE: $name was already in the db, probably just inserted, so load from master. // Use DBO_TRX to avoid missing inserts due to other threads or REPEATABLE-READs. $table = $this->reloadMap( ILoadBalancer::CONN_TRX_AUTOCOMMIT ); $searchResult = array_search( $name, $table, true ); if ( $searchResult === false ) { // Insert failed due to IGNORE flag, but DB_MASTER didn't give us the data $m = "No insert possible but master didn't give us a record for " . "'{$name}' in '{$this->table}'"; $this->logger->error( $m ); throw new NameTableAccessException( $m ); } } else { if ( isset( $table[$id] ) ) { // This can happen when a transaction is rolled back and acquireId is called in // an onTransactionResolution() callback, which gets executed before retryStore() // has a chance to run. The right thing to do in this case is to discard the old // value. According to the contract of acquireId, the caller should not have // used it outside the transaction, so it should not be persisted anywhere after // the rollback. $m = "Got ID $id for '$name' from insert" . " into '{$this->table}', but ID $id was previously associated with" . " the name '{$table[$id]}'. Overriding the old value, which presumably" . " has been removed from the database due to a transaction rollback."; $this->logger->warning( $m ); } $table[$id] = $name; $searchResult = $id; // As store returned an ID we know we inserted so delete from WAN cache $dbw = $this->getDBConnection( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle( function () { $this->cache->delete( $this->getCacheKey() ); }, __METHOD__ ); } $this->tableCache = $table; } return $searchResult; } /** * Reloads the name table from the master database, and purges the WAN cache entry. * * @note This should only be called in situations where the local cache has been detected * to be out of sync with the database. There should be no reason to call this method * from outside the NameTabelStore during normal operation. This method may however be * useful in unit tests. * * @param int $connFlags ILoadBalancer::CONN_XXX flags. Optional. * * @return string[] The freshly reloaded name map */ public function reloadMap( $connFlags = 0 ) { if ( $connFlags !== 0 && defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) ) { // HACK: We can't use $connFlags while doing PHPUnit tests, because the // fake database tables are bound to a single connection. $connFlags = 0; } $dbw = $this->getDBConnection( DB_MASTER, $connFlags ); $this->tableCache = $this->loadTable( $dbw ); $dbw->onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle( function () { $this->cache->reap( $this->getCacheKey(), INF ); }, __METHOD__ ); return $this->tableCache; } /** * Get the id of the given name. * If the name doesn't exist this will throw. * This should be used in cases where we believe the name already exists or want to check for * existence. * * @param string $name * @throws NameTableAccessException The name does not exist * @return int Id */ public function getId( $name ) { Assert::parameterType( 'string', $name, '$name' ); $name = $this->normalizeName( $name ); $table = $this->getTableFromCachesOrReplica(); $searchResult = array_search( $name, $table, true ); if ( $searchResult !== false ) { return $searchResult; } throw NameTableAccessException::newFromDetails( $this->table, 'name', $name ); } /** * Get the name of the given id. * If the id doesn't exist this will throw. * This should be used in cases where we believe the id already exists. * * Note: Calls to this method will result in a master select for non existing IDs. * * @param int $id * @throws NameTableAccessException The id does not exist * @return string name */ public function getName( $id ) { Assert::parameterType( 'integer', $id, '$id' ); $table = $this->getTableFromCachesOrReplica(); if ( array_key_exists( $id, $table ) ) { return $table[$id]; } $fname = __METHOD__; $table = $this->cache->getWithSetCallback( $this->getCacheKey(), $this->cacheTTL, function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, &$setOpts ) use ( $id, $fname ) { // Check if cached value is up-to-date enough to have $id if ( is_array( $oldValue ) && array_key_exists( $id, $oldValue ) ) { // Completely leave the cache key alone $ttl = WANObjectCache::TTL_UNCACHEABLE; // Use the old value return $oldValue; } // Regenerate from replica DB, and master DB if needed foreach ( [ DB_REPLICA, DB_MASTER ] as $source ) { // Log a fallback to master if ( $source === DB_MASTER ) { $this->logger->info( $fname . ' falling back to master select from ' . $this->table . ' with id ' . $id ); } $db = $this->getDBConnection( $source ); $cacheSetOpts = Database::getCacheSetOptions( $db ); $table = $this->loadTable( $db ); if ( array_key_exists( $id, $table ) ) { break; // found it } } // Use the value from last source checked $setOpts += $cacheSetOpts; return $table; }, [ 'minAsOf' => INF ] // force callback run ); $this->tableCache = $table; if ( array_key_exists( $id, $table ) ) { return $table[$id]; } throw NameTableAccessException::newFromDetails( $this->table, 'id', $id ); } /** * Get the whole table, in no particular order as a map of ids to names. * This method could be subject to DB or cache lag. * * @return string[] keys are the name ids, values are the names themselves * Example: [ 1 => 'foo', 3 => 'bar' ] */ public function getMap() { return $this->getTableFromCachesOrReplica(); } /** * @return string[] */ private function getTableFromCachesOrReplica() { if ( $this->tableCache !== null ) { return $this->tableCache; } $table = $this->cache->getWithSetCallback( $this->getCacheKey(), $this->cacheTTL, function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, &$setOpts ) { $dbr = $this->getDBConnection( DB_REPLICA ); $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr ); return $this->loadTable( $dbr ); } ); $this->tableCache = $table; return $table; } /** * Gets the table from the db * * @param IDatabase $db * * @return string[] */ private function loadTable( IDatabase $db ) { $result = $db->select( $this->table, [ 'id' => $this->idField, 'name' => $this->nameField ], [], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => 'id' ] ); $assocArray = []; foreach ( $result as $row ) { $assocArray[$row->id] = $row->name; } return $assocArray; } /** * Stores the given name in the DB, returning the ID when an insert occurs. * * @param string $name * @return int|null int if we know the ID, null if we don't */ private function store( $name ) { Assert::parameterType( 'string', $name, '$name' ); Assert::parameter( $name !== '', '$name', 'should not be an empty string' ); // Note: this is only called internally so normalization of $name has already occurred. $dbw = $this->getDBConnection( DB_MASTER ); $id = null; $dbw->doAtomicSection( __METHOD__, function ( IDatabase $unused, $fname ) use ( $name, &$id, $dbw ) { // NOTE: use IDatabase from the parent scope here, not the function parameter. // If $dbw is a wrapper around the actual DB, we need to call the wrapper here, // not the inner instance. $dbw->insert( $this->table, $this->getFieldsToStore( $name ), $fname, [ 'IGNORE' ] ); if ( $dbw->affectedRows() === 0 ) { $this->logger->info( 'Tried to insert name into table ' . $this->table . ', but value already existed.' ); return; } $id = $dbw->insertId(); // Any open transaction may still be rolled back. If that happens, we have to re-try the // insertion and restore a consistent state of the cached table. $dbw->onAtomicSectionCancel( function ( $trigger, IDatabase $unused ) use ( $name, $id, $dbw ) { $this->retryStore( $dbw, $name, $id ); }, $fname ); }, IDatabase::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); return $id; } /** * After the initial insertion got rolled back, this can be used to try the insertion again, * and ensure a consistent state of the cache. * * @param IDatabase $dbw * @param string $name * @param int $id */ private function retryStore( IDatabase $dbw, $name, $id ) { // NOTE: in the closure below, use the IDatabase from the original method call, // not the one passed to the closure as a parameter. // If $dbw is a wrapper around the actual DB, we need to call the wrapper, // not the inner instance. try { $dbw->doAtomicSection( __METHOD__, function ( IDatabase $unused, $fname ) use ( $name, $id, $dbw ) { // Try to insert a row with the ID we originally got. // If that fails (because of a key conflict), we will just try to get another ID again later. $dbw->insert( $this->table, $this->getFieldsToStore( $name, $id ), $fname ); // Make sure we re-load the map in case this gets rolled back again. // We could re-try once more, but that bears the risk of an infinite loop. // So let's just give up on the ID. $dbw->onAtomicSectionCancel( function ( $trigger, IDatabase $unused ) { $this->logger->warning( 'Re-insertion of name into table ' . $this->table . ' was rolled back. Giving up and reloading the cache.' ); $this->reloadMap( ILoadBalancer::CONN_TRX_AUTOCOMMIT ); }, $fname ); $this->logger->info( 'Re-insert name into table ' . $this->table . ' after failed transaction.' ); }, IDatabase::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { $this->logger->error( 'Re-insertion of name into table ' . $this->table . ' failed: ' . $ex->getMessage() ); } finally { // NOTE: we reload regardless of whether the above insert succeeded. There is // only three possibilities: the insert succeeded, so the new map will have // the desired $id/$name mapping. Or the insert failed because another // process already inserted that same $id/$name mapping, in which case the // new map will also have it. Or another process grabbed the desired ID for // another name, or the database refuses to insert the given ID into the // auto increment field - in that case, the new map will not have a mapping // for $name (or has a different mapping for $name). In that last case, we can // only hope that the ID produced within the failed transaction has not been // used outside that transaction. $this->reloadMap( ILoadBalancer::CONN_TRX_AUTOCOMMIT ); } } /** * @param string $name * @param int|null $id * @return array */ private function getFieldsToStore( $name, $id = null ) { $fields = []; $fields[$this->nameField] = $name; if ( $id !== null ) { $fields[$this->idField] = $id; } if ( $this->insertCallback !== null ) { $fields = call_user_func( $this->insertCallback, $fields ); } return $fields; } }