getOutput()->addHtml( Status::wrap( $sv )->getHTML() ); * @endcode * * @param StatusValue|Status $sv * @return Status */ public static function wrap( $sv ) { if ( $sv instanceof static ) { return $sv; } $result = new static(); $result->ok =& $sv->ok; $result->errors =& $sv->errors; $result->value =& $sv->value; $result->successCount =& $sv->successCount; $result->failCount =& $sv->failCount; $result->success =& $sv->success; return $result; } /** * Backwards compatibility logic * * @param string $name * @return mixed * @throws RuntimeException */ public function __get( $name ) { if ( $name === 'ok' ) { return $this->isOK(); } if ( $name === 'errors' ) { return $this->getErrors(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot get '$name' property." ); } /** * Change operation result * Backwards compatibility logic * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @throws RuntimeException */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { if ( $name === 'ok' ) { $this->setOK( $value ); } elseif ( !property_exists( $this, $name ) ) { // Caller is using undeclared ad-hoc properties $this->$name = $value; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot set '$name' property." ); } } /** * Makes this Status object use the given localizer instead of the global one. * If it is an IContextSource or a ResourceLoaderContext, it will also be used to * determine the interface language. * @note This setting does not survive serialization. That's usually for the best * (there's no guarantee we'll still have the same localization settings after * unserialization); it is the caller's responsibility to set the localizer again * if needed. * @param MessageLocalizer $messageLocalizer */ public function setMessageLocalizer( MessageLocalizer $messageLocalizer ) { $this->messageLocalizer = $messageLocalizer; } /** * Splits this Status object into two new Status objects, one which contains only * the error messages, and one that contains the warnings, only. The returned array is * defined as: * [ * 0 => object(Status) # The Status with error messages, only * 1 => object(Status) # The Status with warning messages, only * ] * * @return Status[] */ public function splitByErrorType() { list( $errorsOnlyStatus, $warningsOnlyStatus ) = parent::splitByErrorType(); // phan/phan#2133? '@phan-var Status $errorsOnlyStatus'; '@phan-var Status $warningsOnlyStatus'; if ( $this->messageLocalizer ) { $errorsOnlyStatus->setMessageLocalizer( $this->messageLocalizer ); $warningsOnlyStatus->setMessageLocalizer( $this->messageLocalizer ); } $errorsOnlyStatus->cleanCallback = $warningsOnlyStatus->cleanCallback = $this->cleanCallback; return [ $errorsOnlyStatus, $warningsOnlyStatus ]; } /** * Returns the wrapped StatusValue object * @return StatusValue * @since 1.27 */ public function getStatusValue() { return $this; } /** * @param array $params * @return array */ protected function cleanParams( array $params ) { if ( !$this->cleanCallback ) { return $params; } $cleanParams = []; foreach ( $params as $i => $param ) { $cleanParams[$i] = call_user_func( $this->cleanCallback, $param ); } return $cleanParams; } /** * Get the error list as a wikitext formatted list * * @param string|bool $shortContext A short enclosing context message name, to * be used when there is a single error * @param string|bool $longContext A long enclosing context message name, for a list * @param string|Language|StubUserLang|null $lang Language to use for processing messages * @return string */ public function getWikiText( $shortContext = false, $longContext = false, $lang = null ) { $rawErrors = $this->getErrors(); if ( count( $rawErrors ) === 0 ) { if ( $this->isOK() ) { $this->fatal( 'internalerror_info', __METHOD__ . " called for a good result, this is incorrect\n" ); } else { $this->fatal( 'internalerror_info', __METHOD__ . ": Invalid result object: no error text but not OK\n" ); } $rawErrors = $this->getErrors(); // just added a fatal } if ( count( $rawErrors ) === 1 ) { $s = $this->getErrorMessage( $rawErrors[0], $lang )->plain(); if ( $shortContext ) { $s = $this->msgInLang( $shortContext, $lang, $s )->plain(); } elseif ( $longContext ) { $s = $this->msgInLang( $longContext, $lang, "* $s\n" )->plain(); } } else { $errors = $this->getErrorMessageArray( $rawErrors, $lang ); foreach ( $errors as &$error ) { $error = $error->plain(); } $s = '* ' . implode( "\n* ", $errors ) . "\n"; if ( $longContext ) { $s = $this->msgInLang( $longContext, $lang, $s )->plain(); } elseif ( $shortContext ) { $s = $this->msgInLang( $shortContext, $lang, "\n$s\n" )->plain(); } } return $s; } /** * Get a bullet list of the errors as a Message object. * * $shortContext and $longContext can be used to wrap the error list in some text. * $shortContext will be preferred when there is a single error; $longContext will be * preferred when there are multiple ones. In either case, $1 will be replaced with * the list of errors. * * $shortContext is assumed to use $1 as an inline parameter: if there is a single item, * it will not be made into a list; if there are multiple items, newlines will be inserted * around the list. * $longContext is assumed to use $1 as a standalone parameter; it will always receive a list. * * If both parameters are missing, and there is only one error, no bullet will be added. * * @param string|string[]|bool $shortContext A message name or an array of message names. * @param string|string[]|bool $longContext A message name or an array of message names. * @param string|Language|StubUserLang|null $lang Language to use for processing messages * @return Message */ public function getMessage( $shortContext = false, $longContext = false, $lang = null ) { $rawErrors = $this->getErrors(); if ( count( $rawErrors ) === 0 ) { if ( $this->isOK() ) { $this->fatal( 'internalerror_info', __METHOD__ . " called for a good result, this is incorrect\n" ); } else { $this->fatal( 'internalerror_info', __METHOD__ . ": Invalid result object: no error text but not OK\n" ); } $rawErrors = $this->getErrors(); // just added a fatal } if ( count( $rawErrors ) === 1 ) { $s = $this->getErrorMessage( $rawErrors[0], $lang ); if ( $shortContext ) { $s = $this->msgInLang( $shortContext, $lang, $s ); } elseif ( $longContext ) { $wrapper = new RawMessage( "* \$1\n" ); $wrapper->params( $s )->parse(); $s = $this->msgInLang( $longContext, $lang, $wrapper ); } } else { $msgs = $this->getErrorMessageArray( $rawErrors, $lang ); $msgCount = count( $msgs ); $s = new RawMessage( '* $' . implode( "\n* \$", range( 1, $msgCount ) ) ); $s->params( $msgs )->parse(); if ( $longContext ) { $s = $this->msgInLang( $longContext, $lang, $s ); } elseif ( $shortContext ) { $wrapper = new RawMessage( "\n\$1\n", [ $s ] ); $wrapper->parse(); $s = $this->msgInLang( $shortContext, $lang, $wrapper ); } } return $s; } /** * Return the message for a single error * * The code string can be used a message key with per-language versions. * If $error is an array, the "params" field is a list of parameters for the message. * * @param array|string $error Code string or (key: code string, params: string[]) map * @param string|Language|null $lang Language to use for processing messages * @return Message */ protected function getErrorMessage( $error, $lang = null ) { if ( is_array( $error ) ) { if ( isset( $error['message'] ) && $error['message'] instanceof Message ) { $msg = $error['message']; } elseif ( isset( $error['message'] ) && isset( $error['params'] ) ) { $msg = $this->msg( $error['message'], array_map( function ( $param ) { return is_string( $param ) ? wfEscapeWikiText( $param ) : $param; }, $this->cleanParams( $error['params'] ) ) ); } else { $msgName = array_shift( $error ); $msg = $this->msg( $msgName, array_map( function ( $param ) { return is_string( $param ) ? wfEscapeWikiText( $param ) : $param; }, $this->cleanParams( $error ) ) ); } } elseif ( is_string( $error ) ) { $msg = $this->msg( $error ); } else { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Got ' . get_class( $error ) . ' for key.' ); } if ( $lang ) { $msg->inLanguage( $lang ); } return $msg; } /** * Get the error message as HTML. This is done by parsing the wikitext error message * @param string|bool $shortContext A short enclosing context message name, to * be used when there is a single error * @param string|bool $longContext A long enclosing context message name, for a list * @param string|Language|null $lang Language to use for processing messages * @return string */ public function getHTML( $shortContext = false, $longContext = false, $lang = null ) { $text = $this->getWikiText( $shortContext, $longContext, $lang ); $out = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMessageCache() ->parse( $text, null, true, true, $lang ); return $out instanceof ParserOutput ? $out->getText( [ 'enableSectionEditLinks' => false ] ) : $out; } /** * Return an array with a Message object for each error. * @param array $errors * @param string|Language|null $lang Language to use for processing messages * @return Message[] */ protected function getErrorMessageArray( $errors, $lang = null ) { return array_map( function ( $e ) use ( $lang ) { return $this->getErrorMessage( $e, $lang ); }, $errors ); } /** * Get the list of errors (but not warnings) * * @return array[] A list in which each entry is an array with a message key as its first element. * The remaining array elements are the message parameters. * @deprecated since 1.25 */ public function getErrorsArray() { return $this->getStatusArray( 'error' ); } /** * Get the list of warnings (but not errors) * * @return array[] A list in which each entry is an array with a message key as its first element. * The remaining array elements are the message parameters. * @deprecated since 1.25 */ public function getWarningsArray() { return $this->getStatusArray( 'warning' ); } /** * Returns a list of status messages of the given type (or all if false) * * @note this handles RawMessage poorly * * @param string|bool $type * @return array[] */ protected function getStatusArray( $type = false ) { $result = []; foreach ( $this->getErrors() as $error ) { if ( $type === false || $error['type'] === $type ) { if ( $error['message'] instanceof MessageSpecifier ) { $result[] = array_merge( [ $error['message']->getKey() ], $error['message']->getParams() ); } elseif ( $error['params'] ) { $result[] = array_merge( [ $error['message'] ], $error['params'] ); } else { $result[] = [ $error['message'] ]; } } } return $result; } /** * Don't save the callback when serializing, because Closures can't be * serialized and we're going to clear it in __wakeup anyway. * Don't save the localizer, because it can be pretty much anything. Restoring it is * the caller's responsibility (otherwise it will just fall back to the global request context). * @return array */ public function __sleep() { $keys = array_keys( get_object_vars( $this ) ); return array_diff( $keys, [ 'cleanCallback', 'messageLocalizer' ] ); } /** * Sanitize the callback parameter on wakeup, to avoid arbitrary execution. */ public function __wakeup() { $this->cleanCallback = false; $this->messageLocalizer = null; } /** * @param string|MessageSpecifier $key * @param string|string[] ...$params * @return Message */ private function msg( $key, ...$params ) : Message { if ( $this->messageLocalizer ) { return $this->messageLocalizer->msg( $key, ...$params ); } else { return wfMessage( $key, ...$params ); } } /** * @param string|MessageSpecifier $key * @param string|Language|StubUserLang|null $lang * @param mixed ...$params * @return Message */ private function msgInLang( $key, $lang, ...$params ) : Message { $msg = $this->msg( $key, ...$params ); if ( $lang ) { $msg->inLanguage( $lang ); } return $msg; } }