getRole(); $inherited[$role] = SlotRecord::newInherited( $slot ); } return new MutableRevisionSlots( $inherited, $resetCallback ); } /** * @param SlotRecord[] $slots An array of SlotRecords. * @param callable|null $resetCallback Callback to be triggered whenever slots change. * Signature: function ( MutableRevisionSlots ): void. */ public function __construct( array $slots = [], ?callable $resetCallback = null ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeInvalidCallableArraySize parent::__construct( $slots ); $this->resetCallback = $resetCallback; } /** * Sets the given slot. * If a slot with the same role is already present, it is replaced. * * @param SlotRecord $slot */ public function setSlot( SlotRecord $slot ) { if ( !is_array( $this->slots ) ) { $this->getSlots(); // initialize $this->slots } $role = $slot->getRole(); $this->slots[$role] = $slot; $this->triggerResetCallback(); } /** * Sets the given slot to an inherited version of $slot. * If a slot with the same role is already present, it is replaced. * * @param SlotRecord $slot */ public function inheritSlot( SlotRecord $slot ) { $this->setSlot( SlotRecord::newInherited( $slot ) ); } /** * Sets the content for the slot with the given role. * If a slot with the same role is already present, it is replaced. * * @param string $role * @param Content $content */ public function setContent( $role, Content $content ) { $slot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( $role, $content ); $this->setSlot( $slot ); } /** * Remove the slot for the given role, discontinue the corresponding stream. * * @param string $role */ public function removeSlot( $role ) { if ( !is_array( $this->slots ) ) { $this->getSlots(); // initialize $this->slots } unset( $this->slots[$role] ); $this->triggerResetCallback(); } /** * Trigger the reset callback supplied to the constructor, if any. */ private function triggerResetCallback() { if ( $this->resetCallback ) { ( $this->resetCallback )( $this ); } } } /** * Retain the old class name for backwards compatibility. * @deprecated since 1.32 */ class_alias( MutableRevisionSlots::class, 'MediaWiki\Storage\MutableRevisionSlots' );