[ 'class' => BooleanDef::class ], 'enum' => [ 'class' => EnumDef::class ], 'integer' => [ 'class' => IntegerDef::class ], 'float' => [ 'class' => FloatDef::class ], 'double' => [ 'class' => FloatDef::class ], 'NULL' => [ 'class' => StringDef::class, 'args' => [ [ 'allowEmptyWhenRequired' => true, ] ], ], 'password' => [ 'class' => PasswordDef::class ], 'string' => [ 'class' => StringDef::class ], 'timestamp' => [ 'class' => TimestampDef::class ], 'upload' => [ 'class' => UploadDef::class ], 'expiry' => [ 'class' => ExpiryDef::class ], ]; /** @var string[] HTTP request methods that we expect never to have a payload */ private const NO_BODY_METHODS = [ 'GET', 'HEAD', 'DELETE' ]; /** @var string[] HTTP request methods that we expect always to have a payload */ private const BODY_METHODS = [ 'POST', 'PUT' ]; /** @var string[] Content types handled via $_POST */ private const FORM_DATA_CONTENT_TYPES = [ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'multipart/form-data', ]; /** @var ParamValidator */ private $paramValidator; /** * @param ObjectFactory $objectFactory * @param PermissionManager $permissionManager * @param RequestInterface $request * @param UserIdentity $user * @internal */ public function __construct( ObjectFactory $objectFactory, PermissionManager $permissionManager, RequestInterface $request, UserIdentity $user ) { $this->paramValidator = new ParamValidator( new ParamValidatorCallbacks( $permissionManager, $request, $user ), $objectFactory, [ 'typeDefs' => self::TYPE_DEFS, ] ); } /** * Validate parameters * @param array[] $paramSettings Parameter settings * @return array Validated parameters * @throws HttpException on validaton failure */ public function validateParams( array $paramSettings ) { $validatedParams = []; foreach ( $paramSettings as $name => $settings ) { try { $validatedParams[$name] = $this->paramValidator->getValue( $name, $settings, [ 'source' => $settings[Handler::PARAM_SOURCE] ?? 'unspecified', ] ); } catch ( ValidationException $e ) { throw new LocalizedHttpException( $e->getFailureMessage(), 400, [ 'error' => 'parameter-validation-failed', 'name' => $e->getParamName(), 'value' => $e->getParamValue(), 'failureCode' => $e->getFailureMessage()->getCode(), 'failureData' => $e->getFailureMessage()->getData(), ] ); } } return $validatedParams; } /** * Validate the body of a request. * * This may return a data structure representing the parsed body. When used * in the context of Handler::validateParams(), the returned value will be * available to the handler via Handler::getValidatedBody(). * * @param RequestInterface $request * @param Handler $handler Used to call getBodyValidator() * @return mixed May be null * @throws HttpException on validation failure */ public function validateBody( RequestInterface $request, Handler $handler ) { $method = strtoupper( trim( $request->getMethod() ) ); // If the method should never have a body, don't bother validating. if ( in_array( $method, self::NO_BODY_METHODS, true ) ) { return null; } // Get the content type list( $ct ) = explode( ';', $request->getHeaderLine( 'Content-Type' ), 2 ); $ct = strtolower( trim( $ct ) ); if ( $ct === '' ) { // No Content-Type was supplied. RFC 7231 ยง allows this, but since it's probably a // client error let's return a 415. But don't 415 for unknown methods and an empty body. if ( !in_array( $method, self::BODY_METHODS, true ) ) { $body = $request->getBody(); $size = $body->getSize(); if ( $size === null ) { // No size available. Try reading 1 byte. if ( $body->isSeekable() ) { $body->rewind(); } $size = $body->read( 1 ) === '' ? 0 : 1; } if ( $size === 0 ) { return null; } } throw new HttpException( "A Content-Type header must be supplied with a request payload.", 415, [ 'error' => 'no-content-type', ] ); } // Form data is parsed into $_POST and $_FILES by PHP and from there is accessed as parameters, // don't bother trying to handle these via BodyValidator too. if ( in_array( $ct, self::FORM_DATA_CONTENT_TYPES, true ) ) { return null; } // Validate the body. BodyValidator throws an HttpException on failure. return $handler->getBodyValidator( $ct )->validateBody( $request ); } }