routeFiles = $routeFiles; $this->extraRoutes = $extraRoutes; $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl; $this->rootPath = $rootPath; $this->cacheBag = $cacheBag; $this->responseFactory = $responseFactory; $this->basicAuth = $basicAuth; $this->objectFactory = $objectFactory; $this->restValidator = $restValidator; if ( !$hookContainer ) { // b/c for OAuth extension $hookContainer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer(); } $this->hookContainer = $hookContainer; } /** * Get the cache data, or false if it is missing or invalid * * @return bool|array */ private function fetchCacheData() { $cacheData = $this->cacheBag->get( $this->getCacheKey() ); if ( $cacheData && $cacheData['CONFIG-HASH'] === $this->getConfigHash() ) { unset( $cacheData['CONFIG-HASH'] ); return $cacheData; } else { return false; } } /** * @return string The cache key */ private function getCacheKey() { return $this->cacheBag->makeKey( __CLASS__, '1' ); } /** * Get a config version hash for cache invalidation * * @return string */ private function getConfigHash() { if ( $this->configHash === null ) { $this->configHash = md5( json_encode( [ $this->extraRoutes, $this->getRouteFileTimestamps() ] ) ); } return $this->configHash; } /** * Load the defined JSON files and return the merged routes * * @return array */ private function getRoutesFromFiles() { if ( $this->routesFromFiles === null ) { $this->routeFileTimestamps = []; foreach ( $this->routeFiles as $fileName ) { $this->routeFileTimestamps[$fileName] = filemtime( $fileName ); $routes = json_decode( file_get_contents( $fileName ), true ); if ( $this->routesFromFiles === null ) { $this->routesFromFiles = $routes; } else { $this->routesFromFiles = array_merge( $this->routesFromFiles, $routes ); } } } return $this->routesFromFiles; } /** * Get an array of last modification times of the defined route files. * * @return int[] Last modification times */ private function getRouteFileTimestamps() { if ( $this->routeFileTimestamps === null ) { $this->routeFileTimestamps = []; foreach ( $this->routeFiles as $fileName ) { $this->routeFileTimestamps[$fileName] = filemtime( $fileName ); } } return $this->routeFileTimestamps; } /** * Get an iterator for all defined routes, including loading the routes from * the JSON files. * * @return AppendIterator */ private function getAllRoutes() { $iterator = new AppendIterator; $iterator->append( new \ArrayIterator( $this->getRoutesFromFiles() ) ); $iterator->append( new \ArrayIterator( $this->extraRoutes ) ); return $iterator; } /** * Get an array of PathMatcher objects indexed by HTTP method * * @return PathMatcher[] */ private function getMatchers() { if ( $this->matchers === null ) { $cacheData = $this->fetchCacheData(); $matchers = []; if ( $cacheData ) { foreach ( $cacheData as $method => $data ) { $matchers[$method] = PathMatcher::newFromCache( $data ); } } else { foreach ( $this->getAllRoutes() as $spec ) { $methods = $spec['method'] ?? [ 'GET' ]; if ( !is_array( $methods ) ) { $methods = [ $methods ]; } foreach ( $methods as $method ) { if ( !isset( $matchers[$method] ) ) { $matchers[$method] = new PathMatcher; } $matchers[$method]->add( $spec['path'], $spec ); } } $cacheData = [ 'CONFIG-HASH' => $this->getConfigHash() ]; foreach ( $matchers as $method => $matcher ) { $cacheData[$method] = $matcher->getCacheData(); } $this->cacheBag->set( $this->getCacheKey(), $cacheData ); } $this->matchers = $matchers; } return $this->matchers; } /** * Remove the path prefix $this->rootPath. Return the part of the path with the * prefix removed, or false if the prefix did not match. * * @param string $path * @return false|string */ private function getRelativePath( $path ) { if ( strlen( $this->rootPath ) > strlen( $path ) || substr_compare( $path, $this->rootPath, 0, strlen( $this->rootPath ) ) !== 0 ) { return false; } return substr( $path, strlen( $this->rootPath ) ); } /** * Returns a full URL for the given route. * Intended for use in redirects. * * @param string $route * @param array $pathParams * @param array $queryParams * * @return false|string */ public function getRouteUrl( $route, $pathParams = [], $queryParams = [] ) { foreach ( $pathParams as $param => $value ) { // NOTE: we use rawurlencode here, since execute() uses rawurldecode(). // Spaces in path params must be encoded to %20 (not +). $route = str_replace( '{' . $param . '}', rawurlencode( $value ), $route ); } $url = $this->baseUrl . $this->rootPath . $route; return wfAppendQuery( $url, $queryParams ); } /** * Find the handler for a request and execute it * * @param RequestInterface $request * @return ResponseInterface */ public function execute( RequestInterface $request ) { $path = $request->getUri()->getPath(); $relPath = $this->getRelativePath( $path ); if ( $relPath === false ) { return $this->responseFactory->createLocalizedHttpError( 404, ( new MessageValue( 'rest-prefix-mismatch' ) ) ->plaintextParams( $path, $this->rootPath ) ); } $requestMethod = $request->getMethod(); $matchers = $this->getMatchers(); $matcher = $matchers[$requestMethod] ?? null; $match = $matcher ? $matcher->match( $relPath ) : null; // For a HEAD request, execute the GET handler instead if one exists. // The webserver will discard the body. if ( !$match && $requestMethod === 'HEAD' && isset( $matchers['GET'] ) ) { $match = $matchers['GET']->match( $relPath ); } if ( !$match ) { // Check for 405 wrong method $allowed = []; foreach ( $matchers as $allowedMethod => $allowedMatcher ) { if ( $allowedMethod === $requestMethod ) { continue; } if ( $allowedMatcher->match( $relPath ) ) { $allowed[] = $allowedMethod; } } if ( $allowed ) { $response = $this->responseFactory->createLocalizedHttpError( 405, ( new MessageValue( 'rest-wrong-method' ) ) ->textParams( $requestMethod ) ->commaListParams( $allowed ) ->numParams( count( $allowed ) ) ); $response->setHeader( 'Allow', $allowed ); return $response; } else { // Did not match with any other method, must be 404 return $this->responseFactory->createLocalizedHttpError( 404, ( new MessageValue( 'rest-no-match' ) ) ->plaintextParams( $relPath ) ); } } // Use rawurldecode so a "+" in path params is not interpreted as a space character. $request->setPathParams( array_map( 'rawurldecode', $match['params'] ) ); $handler = $this->createHandler( $request, $match['userData'] ); try { return $this->executeHandler( $handler ); } catch ( HttpException $e ) { return $this->responseFactory->createFromException( $e ); } } /** * Create a handler from its spec * @param RequestInterface $request * @param array $spec * @return Handler */ private function createHandler( RequestInterface $request, array $spec ): Handler { $objectFactorySpec = array_intersect_key( $spec, [ 'factory' => true, 'class' => true, 'args' => true, 'services' => true ] ); /** @var $handler Handler (annotation for PHPStorm) */ $handler = $this->objectFactory->createObject( $objectFactorySpec ); $handler->init( $this, $request, $spec, $this->responseFactory, $this->hookContainer ); return $handler; } /** * Execute a fully-constructed handler * * @param Handler $handler * @return ResponseInterface */ private function executeHandler( $handler ): ResponseInterface { // Check for basic authorization, to avoid leaking data from private wikis $authResult = $this->basicAuth->authorize( $handler->getRequest(), $handler ); if ( $authResult ) { return $this->responseFactory->createHttpError( 403, [ 'error' => $authResult ] ); } // Validate the parameters $handler->validate( $this->restValidator ); // Check conditional request headers $earlyResponse = $handler->checkPreconditions(); if ( $earlyResponse ) { return $earlyResponse; } // Run the main part of the handler $response = $handler->execute(); if ( !( $response instanceof ResponseInterface ) ) { $response = $this->responseFactory->createFromReturnValue( $response ); } // Set Last-Modified and ETag headers in the response if available $handler->applyConditionalResponseHeaders( $response ); return $response; } }