getText(); $regex = self::makeRegex( $filterEntry, $protocol ); return preg_match( $regex, $text ); } /** * Builds a regex pattern for $filterEntry. * * @todo This doesn't match the rest of the functionality here. * @param string $filterEntry URL, if it begins with "*.", it'll be * replaced to match any subdomain * @param string $protocol 'http://' or 'https://' * * @return string Regex pattern, for preg_match() */ private static function makeRegex( $filterEntry, $protocol ) { $regex = '!' . preg_quote( $protocol, '!' ); if ( substr( $filterEntry, 0, 2 ) == '*.' ) { $regex .= '(?:[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.|)'; $filterEntry = substr( $filterEntry, 2 ); } $regex .= preg_quote( $filterEntry, '!' ) . '!Si'; return $regex; } /** * Indicate whether LinkFilter IDN support is available * @since 1.33 * @return bool */ public static function supportsIDN() { return is_callable( 'idn_to_utf8' ) && defined( 'INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46' ); } /** * Canonicalize a hostname for el_index * @param string $host * @return string */ private static function indexifyHost( $host ) { // NOTE: If you change the output of this method, you'll probably have to increment self::VERSION! // Canonicalize. $host = rawurldecode( $host ); if ( $host !== '' && self::supportsIDN() ) { // @todo Add a PHP fallback $tmp = idn_to_utf8( $host, IDNA_DEFAULT, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ); if ( $tmp !== false ) { $host = $tmp; } } $okChars = 'a-zA-Z0-9\\-._~!$&\'()*+,;='; if ( StringUtils::isUtf8( $host ) ) { // Save a little space by not percent-encoding valid UTF-8 bytes $okChars .= '\x80-\xf4'; } $host = preg_replace_callback( '<[^' . $okChars . ']>', function ( $m ) { return rawurlencode( $m[0] ); }, strtolower( $host ) ); // IPv6? RFC 3986 syntax. if ( preg_match( '/^\[([0-9a-f:*]+)\]$/', rawurldecode( $host ), $m ) ) { $ip = $m[1]; if ( IPUtils::isValid( $ip ) ) { return 'V6.' . implode( '.', explode( ':', IPUtils::sanitizeIP( $ip ) ) ) . '.'; } if ( substr( $ip, -2 ) === ':*' ) { $cutIp = substr( $ip, 0, -2 ); if ( IPUtils::isValid( "{$cutIp}::" ) ) { // Wildcard IP doesn't contain "::", so multiple parts can be wild $ct = count( explode( ':', $ip ) ) - 1; return 'V6.' . implode( '.', array_slice( explode( ':', IPUtils::sanitizeIP( "{$cutIp}::" ) ), 0, $ct ) ) . '.*.'; } if ( IPUtils::isValid( "{$cutIp}:1" ) ) { // Wildcard IP does contain "::", so only the last part is wild return 'V6.' . substr( implode( '.', explode( ':', IPUtils::sanitizeIP( "{$cutIp}:1" ) ) ), 0, -1 ) . '*.'; } } } // Regularlize explicit specification of the DNS root. // Browsers seem to do this for IPv4 literals too. if ( substr( $host, -1 ) === '.' ) { $host = substr( $host, 0, -1 ); } // IPv4? $b = '(?:0*25[0-5]|0*2[0-4][0-9]|0*1[0-9][0-9]|0*[0-9]?[0-9])'; if ( preg_match( "/^(?:{$b}\.){3}{$b}$|^(?:{$b}\.){1,3}\*$/", $host ) ) { return 'V4.' . implode( '.', array_map( function ( $v ) { return $v === '*' ? $v : (int)$v; }, explode( '.', $host ) ) ) . '.'; } // Must be a host name. return implode( '.', array_reverse( explode( '.', $host ) ) ) . '.'; } /** * Converts a URL into a format for el_index * @since 1.33 * @param string $url * @return string[] Usually one entry, but might be two in case of * protocol-relative URLs. Empty array on error. */ public static function makeIndexes( $url ) { // NOTE: If you change the output of this method, you'll probably have to increment self::VERSION! // NOTE: refreshExternallinksIndex.php assumes that only protocol-relative URLs return more // than one index, and that the indexes for protocol-relative URLs only vary in the "http://" // versus "https://" prefix. If you change that, you'll likely need to update // refreshExternallinksIndex.php accordingly. $bits = wfParseUrl( $url ); if ( !$bits ) { return []; } // Reverse the labels in the hostname, convert to lower case, unless it's an IP. // For emails turn it into "domain.reversed@localpart" if ( $bits['scheme'] == 'mailto' ) { $mailparts = explode( '@', $bits['host'], 2 ); if ( count( $mailparts ) === 2 ) { $domainpart = self::indexifyHost( $mailparts[1] ); } else { // No @, assume it's a local part with no domain $domainpart = ''; } $bits['host'] = $domainpart . '@' . $mailparts[0]; } else { $bits['host'] = self::indexifyHost( $bits['host'] ); } // Reconstruct the pseudo-URL $index = $bits['scheme'] . $bits['delimiter'] . $bits['host']; // Leave out user and password. Add the port, path, query and fragment if ( isset( $bits['port'] ) ) { $index .= ':' . $bits['port']; } if ( isset( $bits['path'] ) ) { $index .= $bits['path']; } else { $index .= '/'; } if ( isset( $bits['query'] ) ) { $index .= '?' . $bits['query']; } if ( isset( $bits['fragment'] ) ) { $index .= '#' . $bits['fragment']; } if ( $bits['scheme'] == '' ) { return [ "http:$index", "https:$index" ]; } else { return [ $index ]; } } /** * Return query conditions which will match the specified string. There are * several kinds of filter entry: * * * - Matches and * - Matches or but not * * - Matches or Also probably matches * due to limitations of LIKE syntax. * - Matches but not * 192.0.2.* - Matches any IP in Can also have a path appended. * [2001:db8::*] - Matches any IP in 2001:db8::/112. Can also have a path appended. * [2001:db8:*] - Matches any IP in 2001:db8::/32. Can also have a path appended. * - With protocol 'mailto:', matches the email address * * - With protocol 'mailto:', matches any email address at, but * not subdomains like * * Asterisks in any other location are considered invalid. * * @since 1.33 * @param string $filterEntry Filter entry, as described above * @param array $options Options are: * - protocol: (string) Protocol to query (default http://) * - oneWildcard: (bool) Stop at the first wildcard (default false) * - prefix: (string) Field prefix (default 'el'). The query will test * fields '{$prefix}_index' and '{$prefix}_index_60' * - db: (IDatabase|null) Database to use. * @return array|bool Conditions to be used for the query (to be ANDed) or * false on error. To determine if the query is constant on the * el_index_60 field, check whether key 'el_index_60' is set. */ public static function getQueryConditions( $filterEntry, array $options = [] ) { $options += [ 'protocol' => 'http://', 'oneWildcard' => false, 'prefix' => 'el', 'db' => null, ]; // First, get the like array $like = self::makeLikeArray( $filterEntry, $options['protocol'] ); if ( $like === false ) { return $like; } // Get the constant prefix (i.e. everything up to the first wildcard) $trimmedLike = self::keepOneWildcard( $like ); if ( $options['oneWildcard'] ) { $like = $trimmedLike; } if ( $trimmedLike[count( $trimmedLike ) - 1] instanceof LikeMatch ) { array_pop( $trimmedLike ); } $index = implode( '', $trimmedLike ); $p = $options['prefix']; $db = $options['db'] ?: wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); // Build the query $l = strlen( $index ); if ( $l >= 60 ) { // The constant prefix is larger than el_index_60, so we can use a // constant comparison. return [ "{$p}_index_60" => substr( $index, 0, 60 ), "{$p}_index" . $db->buildLike( $like ), ]; } // The constant prefix is smaller than el_index_60, so we use a LIKE // for a prefix search. return [ "{$p}_index_60" . $db->buildLike( $index, $db->anyString() ), "{$p}_index" . $db->buildLike( $like ), ]; } /** * Make an array to be used for calls to Database::buildLike(), which * will match the specified string. * * This function does the same as LinkFilter::makeIndexes(), except it also takes care * of adding wildcards * * @note You probably want self::getQueryConditions() instead * @param string $filterEntry Filter entry, @see self::getQueryConditions() * @param string $protocol Protocol (default http://) * @return array|bool Array to be passed to Database::buildLike() or false on error */ public static function makeLikeArray( $filterEntry, $protocol = 'http://' ) { $db = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $like = []; $target = $protocol . $filterEntry; $bits = wfParseUrl( $target ); if ( !$bits ) { return false; } $subdomains = false; if ( $bits['scheme'] === 'mailto' && strpos( $bits['host'], '@' ) ) { // Email address with domain and non-empty local part $mailparts = explode( '@', $bits['host'], 2 ); $domainpart = self::indexifyHost( $mailparts[1] ); if ( $mailparts[0] === '*' ) { $subdomains = true; $bits['host'] = $domainpart . '@'; } else { $bits['host'] = $domainpart . '@' . $mailparts[0]; } } else { // Non-email, or email with only a domain part. $bits['host'] = self::indexifyHost( $bits['host'] ); if ( substr( $bits['host'], -3 ) === '.*.' ) { $subdomains = true; $bits['host'] = substr( $bits['host'], 0, -2 ); } } $like[] = $bits['scheme'] . $bits['delimiter'] . $bits['host']; if ( $subdomains ) { $like[] = $db->anyString(); } if ( isset( $bits['port'] ) ) { $like[] = ':' . $bits['port']; } if ( isset( $bits['path'] ) ) { $like[] = $bits['path']; } elseif ( !$subdomains ) { $like[] = '/'; } if ( isset( $bits['query'] ) ) { $like[] = '?' . $bits['query']; } if ( isset( $bits['fragment'] ) ) { $like[] = '#' . $bits['fragment']; } // Check for stray asterisks: asterisk only allowed at the start of the domain foreach ( $like as $likepart ) { if ( !( $likepart instanceof LikeMatch ) && strpos( $likepart, '*' ) !== false ) { return false; } } if ( !( $like[count( $like ) - 1] instanceof LikeMatch ) ) { // Add wildcard at the end if there isn't one already $like[] = $db->anyString(); } return $like; } /** * Filters an array returned by makeLikeArray(), removing everything past first * pattern placeholder. * * @note You probably want self::getQueryConditions() instead * @param array $arr Array to filter * @return array Filtered array */ public static function keepOneWildcard( $arr ) { if ( !is_array( $arr ) ) { return $arr; } foreach ( $arr as $key => $value ) { if ( $value instanceof LikeMatch ) { return array_slice( $arr, 0, $key + 1 ); } } return $arr; } }