[ 'table' => 'revision_comment_temp', 'pk' => 'revcomment_rev', 'field' => 'revcomment_comment_id', 'joinPK' => 'rev_id', 'stage' => MIGRATION_OLD, 'deprecatedIn' => null, ], 'img_description' => [ 'stage' => MIGRATION_NEW, 'deprecatedIn' => '1.32', ], ]; /** * @var int One of the MIGRATION_* constants, or an appropriate combination * of SCHEMA_COMPAT_* constants. * @todo Deprecate and remove once extensions seem unlikely to need to use * it for migration anymore. */ private $stage; /** @var array[] Cache for `self::getJoin()` */ private $joinCache = []; /** @var Language Language to use for comment truncation */ private $lang; /** * @param Language $lang Language to use for comment truncation. Defaults * to content language. * @param int $stage One of the MIGRATION_* constants, or an appropriate * combination of SCHEMA_COMPAT_* constants. Always MIGRATION_NEW for * MediaWiki core since 1.33. */ public function __construct( Language $lang, $stage ) { if ( ( $stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_BOTH ) === 0 ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$stage must include a write mode' ); } if ( ( $stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_BOTH ) === 0 ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$stage must include a read mode' ); } $this->stage = $stage; $this->lang = $lang; } /** * @since 1.31 * @deprecated in 1.31 Use DI to inject a CommentStore instance into your class. * @return CommentStore */ public static function getStore() { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getCommentStore(); } /** * Get SELECT fields for the comment key * * Each resulting row should be passed to `self::getCommentLegacy()` to get the * actual comment. * * @note Use of this method may require a subsequent database query to * actually fetch the comment. If possible, use `self::getJoin()` instead. * * @since 1.30 * @since 1.31 Method signature changed, $key parameter added (required since 1.35) * @param string $key A key such as "rev_comment" identifying the comment * field being fetched. * @return string[] to include in the `$vars` to `IDatabase->select()`. All * fields are aliased, so `+` is safe to use. */ public function getFields( $key ) { $fields = []; if ( ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_BOTH ) === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) { $fields["{$key}_text"] = $key; $fields["{$key}_data"] = 'NULL'; $fields["{$key}_cid"] = 'NULL'; } else { // READ_BOTH or READ_NEW if ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) { $fields["{$key}_old"] = $key; } $tempTableStage = isset( $this->tempTables[$key] ) ? $this->tempTables[$key]['stage'] : MIGRATION_NEW; if ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) { $fields["{$key}_pk"] = $this->tempTables[$key]['joinPK']; } if ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW ) { $fields["{$key}_id"] = "{$key}_id"; } } return $fields; } /** * Get SELECT fields and joins for the comment key * * Each resulting row should be passed to `self::getComment()` to get the * actual comment. * * @since 1.30 * @since 1.31 Method signature changed, $key parameter added (required since 1.35) * @param string $key A key such as "rev_comment" identifying the comment * field being fetched. * @return array[] With three keys: * - tables: (string[]) to include in the `$table` to `IDatabase->select()` * - fields: (string[]) to include in the `$vars` to `IDatabase->select()` * - joins: (array) to include in the `$join_conds` to `IDatabase->select()` * All tables, fields, and joins are aliased, so `+` is safe to use. * @phan-return array{tables:string[],fields:string[],joins:array} */ public function getJoin( $key ) { if ( !array_key_exists( $key, $this->joinCache ) ) { $tables = []; $fields = []; $joins = []; if ( ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_BOTH ) === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) { $fields["{$key}_text"] = $key; $fields["{$key}_data"] = 'NULL'; $fields["{$key}_cid"] = 'NULL'; } else { // READ_BOTH or READ_NEW $join = ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) ? 'LEFT JOIN' : 'JOIN'; $tempTableStage = isset( $this->tempTables[$key] ) ? $this->tempTables[$key]['stage'] : MIGRATION_NEW; if ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) { $t = $this->tempTables[$key]; $alias = "temp_$key"; $tables[$alias] = $t['table']; $joins[$alias] = [ $join, "{$alias}.{$t['pk']} = {$t['joinPK']}" ]; if ( ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_BOTH ) === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) { $joinField = "{$alias}.{$t['field']}"; } else { // Nothing hits this code path for now, but will in the future when we set // $this->tempTables['rev_comment']['stage'] to MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW while // merging revision_comment_temp into revision. // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $joins[$alias][0] = 'LEFT JOIN'; $joinField = "(CASE WHEN {$key}_id != 0 THEN {$key}_id ELSE {$alias}.{$t['field']} END)"; throw new LogicException( 'Nothing should reach this code path at this time' ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } else { $joinField = "{$key}_id"; } $alias = "comment_$key"; $tables[$alias] = 'comment'; $joins[$alias] = [ $join, "{$alias}.comment_id = {$joinField}" ]; if ( ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_BOTH ) === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW ) { $fields["{$key}_text"] = "{$alias}.comment_text"; } else { $fields["{$key}_text"] = "COALESCE( {$alias}.comment_text, $key )"; } $fields["{$key}_data"] = "{$alias}.comment_data"; $fields["{$key}_cid"] = "{$alias}.comment_id"; } $this->joinCache[$key] = [ 'tables' => $tables, 'fields' => $fields, 'joins' => $joins, ]; } return $this->joinCache[$key]; } /** * Extract the comment from a row * * Shared implementation for getComment() and getCommentLegacy() * * @param IDatabase|null $db Database handle for getCommentLegacy(), or null for getComment() * @param string $key A key such as "rev_comment" identifying the comment * field being fetched. * @param object|array $row * @param bool $fallback * @return CommentStoreComment */ private function getCommentInternal( ?IDatabase $db, $key, $row, $fallback = false ) { $row = (array)$row; if ( array_key_exists( "{$key}_text", $row ) && array_key_exists( "{$key}_data", $row ) ) { $cid = $row["{$key}_cid"] ?? null; $text = $row["{$key}_text"]; $data = $row["{$key}_data"]; } elseif ( ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_BOTH ) === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) { $cid = null; if ( $fallback && isset( $row[$key] ) ) { wfLogWarning( "Using deprecated fallback handling for comment $key" ); $text = $row[$key]; } else { wfLogWarning( "Missing {$key}_text and {$key}_data fields in row with MIGRATION_OLD / READ_OLD" ); $text = ''; } $data = null; } else { $tempTableStage = isset( $this->tempTables[$key] ) ? $this->tempTables[$key]['stage'] : MIGRATION_NEW; $row2 = null; if ( ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW ) && array_key_exists( "{$key}_id", $row ) ) { if ( !$db ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$row does not contain fields needed for comment $key and getComment(), but " . "does have fields for getCommentLegacy()" ); } $id = $row["{$key}_id"]; $row2 = $db->selectRow( 'comment', [ 'comment_id', 'comment_text', 'comment_data' ], [ 'comment_id' => $id ], __METHOD__ ); } if ( !$row2 && ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) && array_key_exists( "{$key}_pk", $row ) ) { if ( !$db ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$row does not contain fields needed for comment $key and getComment(), but " . "does have fields for getCommentLegacy()" ); } $t = $this->tempTables[$key]; $id = $row["{$key}_pk"]; $row2 = $db->selectRow( [ $t['table'], 'comment' ], [ 'comment_id', 'comment_text', 'comment_data' ], [ $t['pk'] => $id ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'comment' => [ 'JOIN', [ "comment_id = {$t['field']}" ] ] ] ); } if ( $row2 === null && $fallback && isset( $row[$key] ) ) { wfLogWarning( "Using deprecated fallback handling for comment $key" ); $row2 = (object)[ 'comment_text' => $row[$key], 'comment_data' => null ]; } if ( $row2 === null ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$row does not contain fields needed for comment $key" ); } if ( $row2 ) { $cid = $row2->comment_id; $text = $row2->comment_text; $data = $row2->comment_data; } elseif ( ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) && array_key_exists( "{$key}_old", $row ) ) { $cid = null; $text = $row["{$key}_old"]; $data = null; } else { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart wfLogWarning( "Missing comment row for $key, id=$id" ); $cid = null; $text = ''; $data = null; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } $msg = null; if ( $data !== null ) { $data = FormatJson::decode( $data, true ); if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart wfLogWarning( "Invalid JSON object in comment: $data" ); $data = null; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } else { if ( isset( $data['_message'] ) ) { $msg = self::decodeMessage( $data['_message'] ) ->setInterfaceMessageFlag( true ); } if ( !empty( $data['_null'] ) ) { $data = null; } else { foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) { if ( substr( $k, 0, 1 ) === '_' ) { unset( $data[$k] ); } } } } } return new CommentStoreComment( $cid, $text, $msg, $data ); } /** * Extract the comment from a row * * Use `self::getJoin()` to ensure the row contains the needed data. * * If you need to fake a comment in a row for some reason, set fields * `{$key}_text` (string) and `{$key}_data` (JSON string or null). * * @since 1.30 * @since 1.31 Method signature changed, $key parameter added (required since 1.35) * @param string $key A key such as "rev_comment" identifying the comment * field being fetched. * @param object|array|null $row Result row. * @param bool $fallback If true, fall back as well as possible instead of throwing an exception. * @return CommentStoreComment */ public function getComment( $key, $row = null, $fallback = false ) { if ( $row === null ) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$row must not be null' ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } return $this->getCommentInternal( null, $key, $row, $fallback ); } /** * Extract the comment from a row, with legacy lookups. * * If `$row` might have been generated using `self::getFields()` rather * than `self::getJoin()`, use this. Prefer `self::getComment()` if you * know callers used `self::getJoin()` for the row fetch. * * If you need to fake a comment in a row for some reason, set fields * `{$key}_text` (string) and `{$key}_data` (JSON string or null). * * @since 1.30 * @since 1.31 Method signature changed, $key parameter added (required since 1.35) * @param IDatabase $db Database handle to use for lookup * @param string $key A key such as "rev_comment" identifying the comment * field being fetched. * @param object|array|null $row Result row. * @param bool $fallback If true, fall back as well as possible instead of throwing an exception. * @return CommentStoreComment */ public function getCommentLegacy( IDatabase $db, $key, $row = null, $fallback = false ) { if ( $row === null ) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$row must not be null' ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } return $this->getCommentInternal( $db, $key, $row, $fallback ); } /** * Create a new CommentStoreComment, inserting it into the database if necessary * * If a comment is going to be passed to `self::insert()` or the like * multiple times, it will be more efficient to pass a CommentStoreComment * once rather than making `self::insert()` do it every time through. * * @note When passing a CommentStoreComment, this may set `$comment->id` if * it's not already set. If `$comment->id` is already set, it will not be * verified that the specified comment actually exists or that it * corresponds to the comment text, message, and/or data in the * CommentStoreComment. * @param IDatabase $dbw Database handle to insert on. Unused if `$comment` * is a CommentStoreComment and `$comment->id` is set. * @param string|Message|CommentStoreComment $comment Comment text or Message object, or * a CommentStoreComment. * @param array|null $data Structured data to store. Keys beginning with '_' are reserved. * Ignored if $comment is a CommentStoreComment. * @return CommentStoreComment */ public function createComment( IDatabase $dbw, $comment, array $data = null ) { $comment = CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( $comment, $data ); # Truncate comment in a Unicode-sensitive manner $comment->text = $this->lang->truncateForVisual( $comment->text, self::COMMENT_CHARACTER_LIMIT ); if ( ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW ) && !$comment->id ) { $dbData = $comment->data; if ( !$comment->message instanceof RawMessage ) { if ( $dbData === null ) { $dbData = [ '_null' => true ]; } $dbData['_message'] = self::encodeMessage( $comment->message ); } if ( $dbData !== null ) { $dbData = FormatJson::encode( (object)$dbData, false, FormatJson::ALL_OK ); $len = strlen( $dbData ); if ( $len > self::MAX_DATA_LENGTH ) { $max = self::MAX_DATA_LENGTH; throw new OverflowException( "Comment data is too long ($len bytes, maximum is $max)" ); } } $hash = self::hash( $comment->text, $dbData ); $comment->id = $dbw->selectField( 'comment', 'comment_id', [ 'comment_hash' => $hash, 'comment_text' => $comment->text, 'comment_data' => $dbData, ], __METHOD__ ); if ( !$comment->id ) { $dbw->insert( 'comment', [ 'comment_hash' => $hash, 'comment_text' => $comment->text, 'comment_data' => $dbData, ], __METHOD__ ); $comment->id = $dbw->insertId(); } } return $comment; } /** * Implementation for `self::insert()` and `self::insertWithTempTable()` * @param IDatabase $dbw * @param string $key A key such as "rev_comment" identifying the comment * field being fetched. * @param string|Message|CommentStoreComment $comment * @param array|null $data * @return array [ array $fields, callable $callback ] */ private function insertInternal( IDatabase $dbw, $key, $comment, $data ) { $fields = []; $callback = null; $comment = $this->createComment( $dbw, $comment, $data ); if ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD ) { $fields[$key] = $this->lang->truncateForDatabase( $comment->text, 255 ); } if ( $this->stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW ) { $tempTableStage = isset( $this->tempTables[$key] ) ? $this->tempTables[$key]['stage'] : MIGRATION_NEW; if ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD ) { $t = $this->tempTables[$key]; $func = __METHOD__; $commentId = $comment->id; $callback = function ( $id ) use ( $dbw, $commentId, $t, $func ) { $dbw->insert( $t['table'], [ $t['pk'] => $id, $t['field'] => $commentId, ], $func ); }; } if ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW ) { $fields["{$key}_id"] = $comment->id; } } return [ $fields, $callback ]; } /** * Insert a comment in preparation for a row that references it * * @note It's recommended to include both the call to this method and the * row insert in the same transaction. * * @since 1.30 * @since 1.31 Method signature changed, $key parameter added (required since 1.35) * @param IDatabase $dbw Database handle to insert on * @param string $key A key such as "rev_comment" identifying the comment * field being fetched. * @param string|Message|CommentStoreComment|null $comment As for `self::createComment()` * @param array|null $data As for `self::createComment()` * @return array Fields for the insert or update */ public function insert( IDatabase $dbw, $key, $comment = null, $data = null ) { if ( $comment === null ) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$comment can not be null' ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $tempTableStage = isset( $this->tempTables[$key] ) ? $this->tempTables[$key]['stage'] : MIGRATION_NEW; if ( $tempTableStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Must use insertWithTempTable() for $key" ); } list( $fields ) = $this->insertInternal( $dbw, $key, $comment, $data ); return $fields; } /** * Insert a comment in a temporary table in preparation for a row that references it * * This is currently needed for "rev_comment" and "img_description". In the * future that requirement will be removed. * * @note It's recommended to include both the call to this method and the * row insert in the same transaction. * * @since 1.30 * @since 1.31 Method signature changed, $key parameter added (required since 1.35) * @param IDatabase $dbw Database handle to insert on * @param string $key A key such as "rev_comment" identifying the comment * field being fetched. * @param string|Message|CommentStoreComment|null $comment As for `self::createComment()` * @param array|null $data As for `self::createComment()` * @return array Two values: * - array Fields for the insert or update * - callable Function to call when the primary key of the row being * inserted/updated is known. Pass it that primary key. */ public function insertWithTempTable( IDatabase $dbw, $key, $comment = null, $data = null ) { if ( $comment === null ) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$comment can not be null' ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } if ( !isset( $this->tempTables[$key] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Must use insert() for $key" ); } elseif ( isset( $this->tempTables[$key]['deprecatedIn'] ) ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ . " for $key", $this->tempTables[$key]['deprecatedIn'] ); } list( $fields, $callback ) = $this->insertInternal( $dbw, $key, $comment, $data ); if ( !$callback ) { $callback = function () { // Do nothing. }; } return [ $fields, $callback ]; } /** * Encode a Message as a PHP data structure * @param Message $msg * @return array */ private static function encodeMessage( Message $msg ) { $key = count( $msg->getKeysToTry() ) > 1 ? $msg->getKeysToTry() : $msg->getKey(); $params = $msg->getParams(); foreach ( $params as &$param ) { if ( $param instanceof Message ) { $param = [ 'message' => self::encodeMessage( $param ) ]; } } array_unshift( $params, $key ); return $params; } /** * Decode a message that was encoded by self::encodeMessage() * @param array $data * @return Message */ private static function decodeMessage( $data ) { $key = array_shift( $data ); foreach ( $data as &$param ) { if ( is_object( $param ) ) { $param = (array)$param; } if ( is_array( $param ) && count( $param ) === 1 && isset( $param['message'] ) ) { $param = self::decodeMessage( $param['message'] ); } } return new Message( $key, $data ); } /** * Hashing function for comment storage * @param string $text Comment text * @param string|null $data Comment data * @return int 32-bit signed integer */ public static function hash( $text, $data ) { $hash = crc32( $text ) ^ crc32( (string)$data ); // 64-bit PHP returns an unsigned CRC, change it to signed for // insertion into the database. if ( $hash >= 0x80000000 ) { $hash |= -1 << 32; } return $hash; } }