getParsoidSettings(), $parsoidServices->getParsoidSiteConfig(), $parsoidServices->getParsoidPageConfigFactory(), $parsoidServices->getParsoidDataAccess() ); } /** * @param array $parsoidSettings * @param SiteConfig $siteConfig * @param PageConfigFactory $pageConfigFactory * @param DataAccess $dataAccess */ public function __construct( array $parsoidSettings, SiteConfig $siteConfig, PageConfigFactory $pageConfigFactory, DataAccess $dataAccess ) { $this->parsoidSettings = $parsoidSettings; $this->siteConfig = $siteConfig; $this->pageConfigFactory = $pageConfigFactory; $this->dataAccess = $dataAccess; $this->extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance(); $this->metrics = $siteConfig->metrics(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function checkPreconditions() { // Execute this since this sets up state // needed for other functionality. parent::checkPreconditions(); // Disable precondition checks by ignoring the return value above. // Parsoid/JS doesn't implement these checks. // See for a discussion. return null; } /** * Verify that the {domain} path parameter matches the actual domain. * @param string $domain Domain name parameter to validate */ protected function assertDomainIsCorrect( $domain ): void { // We are cutting some corners here (IDN, non-ASCII casing) // since domain name support is provisional. // TODO use a proper validator instead $wgServer = \RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig()->get( 'Server' ); $expectedDomain = wfParseUrl( $wgServer )['host'] ?? null; if ( !$expectedDomain ) { throw new LogicException( 'Cannot parse $wgServer' ); } if ( strcasecmp( $expectedDomain, $domain ) === 0 ) { return; } // TODO probably the better if ( $this->extensionRegistry->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) ) { $mobileServer = MobileContext::singleton()->getMobileUrl( $wgServer ); $expectedMobileDomain = wfParseUrl( $mobileServer )['host'] ?? null; if ( strcasecmp( $expectedMobileDomain, $domain ) === 0 ) { return; } } throw new ValidationException( new DataMessageValue( 'mwparsoid-invalid-domain', [], 'invalid-domain', [ 'expected' => $expectedDomain, 'actual' => $domain, ] ), 'domain', $domain, [] ); } /** * Get the parsed body by content-type * * @return array */ protected function getParsedBody(): array { $request = $this->getRequest(); list( $contentType ) = explode( ';', $request->getHeader( 'Content-Type' )[0] ?? '', 2 ); switch ( $contentType ) { case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': case 'multipart/form-data': return $request->getPostParams(); case 'application/json': return json_decode( $request->getBody()->getContents(), true ); default: throw new HttpException( 'Unsupported Media Type', 415 ); } } /** * Rough equivalent of req.local from Parsoid-JS. * FIXME most of these should be replaced with more native ways of handling the request. * @return array */ protected function &getRequestAttributes(): array { if ( $this->requestAttributes ) { return $this->requestAttributes; } // Porting note: this is the equivalent of the v3Middle middleware. $request = $this->getRequest(); $body = ( $request->getMethod() === 'POST' ) ? $this->getParsedBody() : []; $opts = array_merge( $body, array_intersect_key( $request->getPathParams(), [ 'from' => true, 'format' => true ] ) ); '@phan-var array $opts'; // @var array $opts $attribs = [ 'titleMissing' => empty( $request->getPathParams()['title'] ), 'pageName' => $request->getPathParam( 'title' ) ?? '', 'oldid' => $request->getPathParam( 'revision' ) ?? null, // "body_only" flag to return just the body (instead of the entire HTML doc) // We would like to deprecate use of this flag: T181657 'body_only' => $request->getQueryParams()['body_only'] ?? $body['body_only'] ?? null, 'errorEnc' => FormatHelper::ERROR_ENCODING[$opts['format']] ?? 'plain', 'iwp' => wfWikiID(), // PORT-FIXME verify 'subst' => (bool)( $request->getQueryParams()['subst'] ?? $body['subst'] ?? null ), 'scrubWikitext' => (bool)( $body['scrub_wikitext'] ?? $request->getQueryParams()['scrub_wikitext'] ?? $body['scrubWikitext'] ?? $request->getQueryParams()['scrubWikitext'] ?? false ), 'offsetType' => $body['offsetType'] ?? $request->getQueryParams()['offsetType'] // Lint requests should return UCS2 offsets by default ?? ( $opts['format'] === FormatHelper::FORMAT_LINT ? 'ucs2' : 'byte' ), 'pagelanguage' => $request->getHeaderLine( 'Content-Language' ) ?: null, ]; if ( $request->getMethod() === 'POST' ) { if ( isset( $opts['original']['revid'] ) ) { $attribs['oldid'] = $opts['original']['revid']; } if ( isset( $opts['original']['title'] ) ) { $attribs['titleMissing'] = false; $attribs['pageName'] = $opts['original']['title']; } } $attribs['envOptions'] = [ // We use `prefix` but ought to use `domain` (T206764) 'prefix' => $attribs['iwp'], 'domain' => $request->getPathParam( 'domain' ), 'pageName' => $attribs['pageName'], 'scrubWikitext' => $attribs['scrubWikitext'], 'offsetType' => $attribs['offsetType'], 'cookie' => $request->getHeaderLine( 'Cookie' ), 'reqId' => $request->getHeaderLine( 'X-Request-Id' ), 'userAgent' => $request->getHeaderLine( 'User-Agent' ), 'htmlVariantLanguage' => $request->getHeaderLine( 'Accept-Language' ) ?: null, // Semver::satisfies checks below expect a valid outputContentVersion value. // Better to set it here instead of adding the default value at every check. 'outputContentVersion' => Parsoid::defaultHTMLVersion(), ]; $attribs['opts'] = $opts; if ( empty( $this->parsoidSettings['debugApi'] ) ) { $this->assertDomainIsCorrect( $attribs['envOptions']['domain'] ); } $this->requestAttributes = $attribs; return $this->requestAttributes; } /** * FIXME: Combine with FormatHelper::parseContentTypeHeader */ private const NEW_SPEC = '#^|pagebundle)/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$#D'; /** * Combines: * routes.acceptable * apiUtils.validateAndSetOutputContentVersion * apiUtils.parseProfile * * @param array &$attribs Request attributes from getRequestAttributes() * @return bool */ protected function acceptable( array &$attribs ): bool { $request = $this->getRequest(); $format = $attribs['opts']['format']; if ( $format === FormatHelper::FORMAT_WIKITEXT ) { return true; } $acceptHeader = $request->getHeader( 'Accept' ); if ( !$acceptHeader ) { return true; } $parser = new HttpAcceptParser(); $acceptableTypes = $parser->parseAccept( $acceptHeader[0] ); // FIXME: Multiple headers valid? if ( !$acceptableTypes ) { return true; } // `acceptableTypes` is already sorted by quality. foreach ( $acceptableTypes as $t ) { $type = "{$t['type']}/{$t['subtype']}"; $profile = $t['params']['profile'] ?? null; if ( ( $format === FormatHelper::FORMAT_HTML && $type === 'text/html' ) || ( $format === FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE && $type === 'application/json' ) ) { if ( $profile ) { preg_match( self::NEW_SPEC, $profile, $matches ); if ( $matches && strtolower( $matches[1] ) === $format ) { $contentVersion = Parsoid::resolveContentVersion( $matches[2] ); if ( $contentVersion ) { $attribs['envOptions']['outputContentVersion'] = $contentVersion; return true; } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } else { return true; } } elseif ( ( $type === '*/*' ) || ( $format === FormatHelper::FORMAT_HTML && $type === 'text/*' ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param string $title The page to be transformed * @param int|null $revision The revision to be transformed * @param string|null $wikitextOverride * Custom wikitext to use instead of the real content of the page. * @param string|null $pagelanguageOverride * @return PageConfig */ protected function createPageConfig( string $title, ?int $revision, string $wikitextOverride = null, string $pagelanguageOverride = null ): PageConfig { $title = $title ? Title::newFromText( $title ) : Title::newMainPage(); if ( !$title ) { // TODO use proper validation throw new LogicException( 'Title not found!' ); } $user = RequestContext::getMain()->getUser(); return $this->pageConfigFactory->create( $title, $user, $revision, $wikitextOverride, $pagelanguageOverride, $this->parsoidSettings ); } /** * Redirect to another Parsoid URL (e.g. canonization) * @param string $path Target URL * @param array $queryParams Query parameters * @return Response */ protected function createRedirectResponse( string $path, array $queryParams = [] ): Response { // porting note: this is more or less the equivalent of apiUtils.redirect() // FIXME there should be a better way to do this global $wgRestPath; $path = wfExpandUrl( "$wgRestPath$path", PROTO_CURRENT ); // FIXME this should not be necessary in the REST entry point unset( $queryParams['title'] ); if ( $queryParams ) { $path .= ( strpos( $path, '?' ) === false ? '?' : '&' ) . http_build_query( $queryParams, '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 ); } if ( $this->getRequest()->getMethod() === 'POST' ) { $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->createTemporaryRedirect( $path ); } else { $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->createLegacyTemporaryRedirect( $path ); } $response->setHeader( 'Cache-Control', 'private,no-cache,s-maxage=0' ); return $response; } /** * Expand the current URL with the latest revision number and redirect there. * Will return an error response if the page does not exist. * @param PageConfig $pageConfig * @param array $attribs Request attributes from getRequestAttributes() * @return Response */ protected function createRedirectToOldidResponse( PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs ): Response { // porting note: this is more or less the equivalent of apiUtils.redirectToOldid() $domain = $attribs['envOptions']['domain']; $format = $this->getRequest()->getPathParam( 'format' ); $target = $pageConfig->getTitle(); $encodedTarget = PHPUtils::encodeURIComponent( $target ); $revid = $pageConfig->getRevisionId(); if ( $revid === null ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 404, [ 'message' => 'Page not found.', ] ); } $this->metrics->increment( 'redirectToOldid.' . $format ); if ( $this->getRequest()->getMethod() === 'POST' ) { $from = $this->getRequest()->getPathParam( 'from' ); $newPath = "/$domain/v3/transform/$from/to/$format/$encodedTarget/$revid"; } else { $newPath = "/$domain/v3/page/$format/$encodedTarget/$revid"; } return $this->createRedirectResponse( $newPath, $this->getRequest()->getQueryParams() ); } /** * Wikitext -> HTML helper. * Porting note: this is the rough equivalent of routes.wt2html. * Spec'd in and the API tests. * @param PageConfig $pageConfig * @param array $attribs Request attributes from getRequestAttributes() * @param string|null $wikitext Wikitext to transform (or null to use the page specified in * the request attributes). * @return Response */ protected function wt2html( PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs, string $wikitext = null ) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $opts = $attribs['opts']; $format = $opts['format']; $oldid = $attribs['oldid']; $needsPageBundle = ( $format === FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE ); $doSubst = ( $wikitext !== null && $attribs['subst'] ); // Performance Timing options // init refers to time elapsed before parsing begins $metrics = $this->metrics; $timing = Timing::start( $metrics ); if ( Semver::satisfies( $attribs['envOptions']['outputContentVersion'], '!=' . Parsoid::defaultHTMLVersion() ) ) { $metrics->increment( 'wt2html.parse.version.notdefault' ); } if ( $wikitext === null && !$oldid ) { // Redirect to the latest revid return $this->createRedirectToOldidResponse( $pageConfig, $attribs ); } $parsoid = new Parsoid( $this->siteConfig, $this->dataAccess ); if ( $doSubst ) { if ( $format !== FormatHelper::FORMAT_HTML ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 501, [ 'message' => 'Substitution is only supported for the HTML format.', ] ); } $wikitext = $parsoid->substTopLevelTemplates( $pageConfig, $wikitext ); $pageConfig = $this->createPageConfig( $attribs['pageName'], (int)$attribs['oldid'], $wikitext ); } if ( !empty( $this->parsoidSettings['devAPI'] ) && ( $request->getQueryParams()['follow_redirects'] ?? false ) ) { $content = $pageConfig->getRevisionContent(); $redirectTarget = $content ? $content->getRedirectTarget() : null; if ( $redirectTarget ) { $redirectInfo = $this->dataAccess->getPageInfo( $pageConfig, [ $redirectTarget ] ); $encodedTarget = PHPUtils::encodeURIComponent( $redirectTarget ); $redirectPath = "/{$attribs['envOptions']['domain']}/v3/page/$encodedTarget/wikitext"; if ( $redirectInfo['revId'] ) { $redirectPath .= '/' . $redirectInfo['revId']; } return $this->createRedirectResponse( "", $request->getQueryParams() ); } } $reqOpts = array_merge( [ 'pageBundle' => $needsPageBundle, // When substing, set data-parsoid to be discarded, so that the subst'ed // content is considered new when it comes back. 'discardDataParsoid' => $doSubst, 'contentmodel' => $opts['contentmodel'] ?? null, ], $attribs['envOptions'] ); // VE, the only client using body_only property, // doesn't want section tags when this flag is set. // (T181226) if ( $attribs['body_only'] ) { $reqOpts['wrapSections'] = false; $reqOpts['body_only'] = true; } if ( $wikitext === null && $oldid ) { $reqOpts['logLinterData'] = true; $mstr = 'pageWithOldid'; } else { $mstr = 'wt'; } // XXX: Not necessary, since it's in the pageConfig // if ( isset( $attribs['pagelanguage'] ) ) { // $reqOpts['pagelanguage'] = $attribs['pagelanguage']; // } $timing->end( "wt2html.$mstr.init" ); $metrics->timing( "wt2html.$mstr.size.input", # Should perhaps be strlen instead (or cached!): T239841 mb_strlen( $pageConfig->getPageMainContent() ) ); $parseTiming = Timing::start( $metrics ); if ( $format === FormatHelper::FORMAT_LINT ) { try { $lints = $parsoid->wikitext2lint( $pageConfig, $reqOpts ); } catch ( ClientError $e ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ] ); } catch ( ResourceLimitExceededException $e ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 413, [ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ] ); } $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->createJson( $lints ); } else { try { $out = $parsoid->wikitext2html( $pageConfig, $reqOpts, $headers ); } catch ( ClientError $e ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ] ); } catch ( ResourceLimitExceededException $e ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 413, [ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ] ); } if ( $needsPageBundle ) { $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->createJson( $out->responseData() ); FormatHelper::setContentType( $response, FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE, $out->version ); } else { $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->create(); FormatHelper::setContentType( $response, FormatHelper::FORMAT_HTML, $attribs['envOptions']['outputContentVersion'] ); $response->getBody()->write( $out ); $response->setHeader( 'Content-Language', $headers['content-language'] ); $response->addHeader( 'Vary', $headers['vary'] ); } if ( $request->getMethod() === 'GET' ) { $tid = UIDGenerator::newUUIDv1(); $response->addHeader( 'Etag', "W/\"{$oldid}/{$tid}\"" ); } } $parseTiming->end( "wt2html.$mstr.parse" ); $metrics->timing( "wt2html.$mstr.size.output", $response->getBody()->getSize() ); $timing->end( '' ); if ( $wikitext !== null ) { // Don't cache requests when wt is set in case somebody uses // GET for wikitext parsing $response->setHeader( 'Cache-Control', 'private,no-cache,s-maxage=0' ); } elseif ( $oldid ) { // FIXME this should be handled in core (cf OutputPage::sendCacheControl) if ( $request->getHeaderLine( 'Cookie' ) || $request->getHeaderLine( 'Authorization' ) ) { // Don't cache requests with a session. $response->setHeader( 'Cache-Control', 'private,no-cache,s-maxage=0' ); } // Indicate the MediaWiki revision in a header as well for // ease of extraction in clients. $response->setHeader( 'Content-Revision-Id', $oldid ); } else { throw new LogicException( 'Should be unreachable' ); } return $response; } /** * HTML -> wikitext helper. * Porting note: this is the rough equivalent of routes.html2wt. * @param PageConfig $pageConfig * @param array $attribs Request attributes from getRequestAttributes() * @param string|null $html HTML to transform (or null to use the page specified in * the request attributes). * @return Response */ protected function html2wt( PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs, string $html = null ) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $opts = $attribs['opts']; $envOptions = $attribs['envOptions']; $metrics = $this->metrics; // Performance Timing options $timing = Timing::start( $metrics ); $doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $html ); // send domparse time, input size and init time to statsd/Graphite // init time is the time elapsed before serialization // init.domParse, a component of init time, is the time elapsed // from html string to DOM tree $timing->end( 'html2wt.init.domparse' ); # Should perhaps be strlen instead (or cached!): T239841 $metrics->timing( 'html2wt.size.input', mb_strlen( $html ) ); $timing->end( 'html2wt.init' ); $original = $opts['original'] ?? null; $oldBody = null; $origPb = null; // Get the content version of the edited doc, if available $vEdited = DOMUtils::extractInlinedContentVersion( $doc ); // Check for version mismatches between original & edited doc if ( !isset( $original['html'] ) ) { $envOptions['inputContentVersion'] = $vEdited ?? Parsoid::defaultHTMLVersion(); } else { $vOriginal = FormatHelper::parseContentTypeHeader( $original['html']['headers']['content-type'] ?? '' ); if ( $vOriginal === null ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => 'Content-type of original html is missing.', ] ); } if ( $vEdited === null ) { // If version of edited doc is unavailable we assume // the edited doc is derived from the original doc. // No downgrade necessary $envOptions['inputContentVersion'] = $vOriginal; } elseif ( $vEdited === $vOriginal ) { // No downgrade necessary $envOptions['inputContentVersion'] = $vOriginal; } else { $envOptions['inputContentVersion'] = $vEdited; // We need to downgrade the original to match the the edited doc's version. $downgrade = Parsoid::findDowngrade( $vOriginal, $vEdited ); // Downgrades are only for pagebundle if ( $downgrade && $opts['from'] === FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE ) { $metrics->increment( "downgrade.from.{$downgrade['from']}.to.{$downgrade['to']}" ); $origPb = new PageBundle( $original['html']['body'], $original['data-parsoid']['body'] ?? null, $original['data-mw']['body'] ?? null ); if ( !$origPb->validate( $vOriginal, $errorMessage ) ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $errorMessage ] ); } $downgradeTiming = Timing::start( $metrics ); Parsoid::downgrade( $downgrade, $origPb ); $downgradeTiming->end( 'downgrade.time' ); $oldBody = DOMCompat::getBody( DOMUtils::parseHTML( $origPb->html ) ); } else { $err = "Modified ({$vEdited}) and original ({$vOriginal}) html are of " . 'different type, and no path to downgrade.'; return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $err ] ); } } } $metrics->increment( 'html2wt.original.version.' . $envOptions['inputContentVersion'] ); if ( !$vEdited ) { $metrics->increment( 'html2wt.original.version.notinline' ); } // If available, the modified data-mw blob is applied, while preserving // existing inline data-mw. But, no data-parsoid application, since // that's internal, we only expect to find it in its original, // unmodified form. if ( $opts['from'] === FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE && isset( $opts['data-mw'] ) && Semver::satisfies( $envOptions['inputContentVersion'], '^999.0.0' ) ) { // `opts` isn't a revision, but we'll find a `data-mw` there. $pb = new PageBundle( '', [ 'ids' => [] ], // So it validates $opts['data-mw']['body'] ?? null ); if ( !$pb->validate( $envOptions['inputContentVersion'], $errorMessage ) ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $errorMessage ] ); } DOMDataUtils::applyPageBundle( $doc, $pb ); } $oldhtml = null; if ( $original ) { if ( $opts['from'] === FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE ) { // Apply the pagebundle to the parsed doc. This supports the // simple edit scenarios where data-mw might not necessarily // have been retrieved. if ( !$origPb ) { $origPb = new PageBundle( '', $original['data-parsoid']['body'] ?? null, $original['data-mw']['body'] ?? null ); } // Verify that the top-level parsoid object either doesn't contain // offsetType, or that it matches the conversion that has been // explicitly requested. if ( isset( $origPb->parsoid['offsetType'] ) ) { $offsetType = $envOptions['offsetType'] ?? 'byte'; $origOffsetType = $origPb->parsoid['offsetType']; if ( $origOffsetType !== $offsetType ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 406, [ 'message' => 'DSR offsetType mismatch: ' . $origOffsetType . ' vs ' . $offsetType, ] ); } } $pb = $origPb; // However, if a modified data-mw was provided, // original data-mw is omitted to avoid losing deletions. if ( isset( $opts['data-mw'] ) && Semver::satisfies( $envOptions['inputContentVersion'], '^999.0.0' ) ) { // Don't modify `origPb`, it's used below. $pb = new PageBundle( '', $pb->parsoid, [ 'ids' => [] ] ); } if ( !$pb->validate( $envOptions['inputContentVersion'], $errorMessage ) ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $errorMessage ] ); } DOMDataUtils::applyPageBundle( $doc, $pb ); } // If we got original html, parse it if ( isset( $original['html'] ) ) { if ( !$oldBody ) { $oldBody = DOMCompat::getBody( DOMUtils::parseHTML( $original['html']['body'] ) ); } if ( $opts['from'] === FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE ) { if ( !$origPb->validate( $envOptions['inputContentVersion'], $errorMessage ) ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $errorMessage ] ); } DOMDataUtils::applyPageBundle( $oldBody->ownerDocument, $origPb ); } $oldhtml = ContentUtils::toXML( $oldBody ); } } // As per // "Both it and the oldid parameter are needed for // clean round-tripping of HTML retrieved earlier with" // So, no oldid => no selser $hasOldId = (bool)$attribs['oldid']; if ( $hasOldId && !empty( $this->parsoidSettings['useSelser'] ) ) { if ( !$pageConfig->getRevisionContent() ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 409, [ 'message' => 'Could not find previous revision. Has the page been locked / deleted?' ] ); } // FIXME: T234548/T234549 - $pageConfig->getPageMainContent() is deprecated: // should use $env->topFrame->getSrcText() $selserData = new SelserData( $pageConfig->getPageMainContent(), $oldhtml ); } else { $selserData = null; } $html = ContentUtils::toXML( $doc ); $parsoid = new Parsoid( $this->siteConfig, $this->dataAccess ); try { $wikitext = $parsoid->html2wikitext( $pageConfig, $html, [ 'scrubWikitext' => $envOptions['scrubWikitext'], 'inputContentVersion' => $envOptions['inputContentVersion'], 'offsetType' => $envOptions['offsetType'], 'contentmodel' => $opts['contentmodel'] ?? null, ], $selserData ); } catch ( ClientError $e ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ] ); } catch ( ResourceLimitExceededException $e ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 413, [ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ] ); } $timing->end( '' ); # Should perhaps be strlen instead (or cached!): T239841 $metrics->timing( 'html2wt.size.output', mb_strlen( $wikitext ) ); $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->create(); FormatHelper::setContentType( $response, FormatHelper::FORMAT_WIKITEXT ); $response->getBody()->write( $wikitext ); return $response; } /** * Pagebundle -> pagebundle helper. * Porting note: this is the rough equivalent of routes.pb2pb. * @param PageConfig $pageConfig * @param array $attribs * @return Response */ protected function pb2pb( PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs ) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $opts = $attribs['opts']; $revision = $opts['previous'] ?? $opts['original'] ?? null; if ( !isset( $revision['html'] ) ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => 'Missing revision html.', ] ); } $vOriginal = FormatHelper::parseContentTypeHeader( $revision['html']['headers']['content-type'] ?? '' ); if ( $vOriginal === null ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => 'Content-type of revision html is missing.', ] ); } $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'] = $vOriginal; '@phan-var array $attribs'; // @var array $attribs $this->metrics->increment( 'pb2pb.original.version.' . $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'] ); if ( !empty( $opts['updates'] ) ) { // If we're only updating parts of the original version, it should // satisfy the requested content version, since we'll be returning // that same one. // FIXME: Since this endpoint applies the acceptable middleware, // `getOutputContentVersion` is not what's been passed in, but what // can be produced. Maybe that should be selectively applied so // that we can update older versions where it makes sense? // Uncommenting below implies that we can only update the latest // version, since carrot semantics is applied in both directions. // if ( !Semver::satisfies( // $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'], // "^{$attribs['envOptions']['outputContentVersion']}" // ) ) { // return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 415, [ // 'message' => 'We do not know how to do this conversion.', // ] ); // } if ( !empty( $opts['updates']['redlinks'] ) ) { // Q(arlolra): Should redlinks be more complex than a bool? // See gwicke's proposal at T114413#2240381 return $this->updateRedLinks( $pageConfig, $attribs, $revision ); } elseif ( isset( $opts['updates']['variant'] ) ) { return $this->languageConversion( $pageConfig, $attribs, $revision ); } else { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => 'Unknown transformation.', ] ); } } // TODO(arlolra): subbu has some sage advice in T114413#2365456 that // we should probably be more explicit about the pb2pb conversion // requested rather than this increasingly complex fallback logic. $downgrade = Parsoid::findDowngrade( $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'], $attribs['envOptions']['outputContentVersion'] ); if ( $downgrade ) { $pb = new PageBundle( $revision['html']['body'], $revision['data-parsoid']['body'] ?? null, $revision['data-mw']['body'] ?? null ); if ( !$pb->validate( $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'], $errorMessage ) ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $errorMessage ] ); } Parsoid::downgrade( $downgrade, $pb ); if ( !empty( $attribs['body_only'] ) ) { $doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $pb->html ); $body = DOMCompat::getBody( $doc ); $pb->html = ContentUtils::toXML( $body, [ 'innerXML' => true, ] ); } $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->createJson( $pb->responseData() ); FormatHelper::setContentType( $response, FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE, $pb->version ); return $response; // Ensure we only reuse from semantically similar content versions. } elseif ( Semver::satisfies( $attribs['envOptions']['outputContentVersion'], '^' . $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'] ) ) { return $this->wt2html( $pageConfig, $attribs, null ); } else { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 415, [ 'message' => 'We do not know how to do this conversion.', ] ); } } /** * Update red links on a document. * * @param PageConfig $pageConfig * @param array $attribs * @param array $revision * @return Response */ protected function updateRedLinks( PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs, array $revision ) { $parsoid = new Parsoid( $this->siteConfig, $this->dataAccess ); $html = $parsoid->html2html( $pageConfig, 'redlinks', $revision['html']['body'], [], $headers ); $out = new PageBundle( $html, $revision['data-parsoid']['body'] ?? null, $revision['data-mw']['body'] ?? null, $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'], $headers, $revision['contentmodel'] ?? null ); if ( !$out->validate( $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'], $errorMessage ) ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => $errorMessage ] ); } $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->createJson( $out->responseData() ); FormatHelper::setContentType( $response, FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE, $out->version ); return $response; } /** * Do variant conversion on a document. * * @param PageConfig $pageConfig * @param array $attribs * @param array $revision * @return Response */ protected function languageConversion( PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs, array $revision ) { $opts = $attribs['opts']; $source = $opts['updates']['variant']['source'] ?? null; $target = $opts['updates']['variant']['target'] ?? $attribs['envOptions']['htmlVariantLanguage']; if ( !$target ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => 'Target variant is required.' ] ); } if ( !$this->siteConfig->langConverterEnabledForLanguage( $pageConfig->getPageLanguage() ) ) { return $this->getResponseFactory()->createHttpError( 400, [ 'message' => 'LanguageConversion is not enabled on this article.' ] ); } $parsoid = new Parsoid( $this->siteConfig, $this->dataAccess ); $pb = new PageBundle( $revision['html']['body'], $revision['data-parsoid']['body'] ?? null, $revision['data-mw']['body'] ?? null, $attribs['envOptions']['inputContentVersion'], $revision['html']['headers'] ?? null, $revision['contentmodel'] ?? null ); $out = $parsoid->pb2pb( $pageConfig, 'variant', $pb, [ 'variant' => [ 'source' => $source, 'target' => $target, ] ] ); $response = $this->getResponseFactory()->createJson( $out->responseData() ); FormatHelper::setContentType( $response, FormatHelper::FORMAT_PAGEBUNDLE, $out->version ); return $response; } }