[\s\S]*?-->)'; /** @var Config MediaWiki configuration object */ private $config; /** @var array Parsoid-specific options array from $config */ private $parsoidSettings; /** @var Language */ private $contLang; /** @var LoggerInterface|null */ private $traceLogger, $dumpLogger; /** @var string|null */ private $baseUri, $relativeLinkPrefix; /** @var array|null */ private $interwikiMap, $variants; /** @var array */ private $extensionTags; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $this->config = $services->getMainConfig(); $this->parsoidSettings = $services->get( 'ParsoidSettings' ); $this->contLang = $services->getContentLanguage(); // Override parent default if ( isset( $this->parsoidSettings['rtTestMode'] ) ) { // @todo: Add this setting to MW's DefaultSettings.php $this->rtTestMode = $this->parsoidSettings['rtTestMode']; } // Override parent default if ( isset( $this->parsoidSettings['linting'] ) ) { // @todo: Add this setting to MW's DefaultSettings.php $this->linterEnabled = $this->parsoidSettings['linting']; } if ( isset( $this->parsoidSettings['wt2htmlLimits'] ) ) { $this->wt2htmlLimits = array_merge( $this->wt2htmlLimits, $this->parsoidSettings['wt2htmlLimits'] ); } if ( isset( $this->parsoidSettings['html2wtLimits'] ) ) { $this->html2wtLimits = array_merge( $this->html2wtLimits, $this->parsoidSettings['html2wtLimits'] ); } // Register extension modules $parsoidModules = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->getAttribute( 'ParsoidModules' ); foreach ( $parsoidModules as $configOrSpec ) { $this->registerExtensionModule( $configOrSpec ); } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getLogger(): LoggerInterface { if ( $this->logger === null ) { $this->logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Parsoid' ); } return $this->logger; } public function metrics(): ?StatsdDataFactoryInterface { static $prefixedMetrics = null; if ( $prefixedMetrics === null ) { $prefixedMetrics = new \PrefixingStatsdDataFactoryProxy( // Our stats will also get prefixed with 'MediaWiki.' MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory(), $this->parsoidSettings['metricsPrefix'] ?? 'Parsoid.' ); } return $prefixedMetrics; } public function nativeGalleryEnabled(): bool { return false; } public function galleryOptions(): array { return $this->config->get( 'GalleryOptions' ); } public function allowedExternalImagePrefixes(): array { if ( $this->config->get( 'AllowExternalImages' ) ) { return [ '' ]; } else { $allowFrom = $this->config->get( 'AllowExternalImagesFrom' ); return $allowFrom ? (array)$allowFrom : []; } } /** * Determine the article base URI and relative prefix * * Populates `$this->baseUri` and `$this->relativeLinkPrefix` based on * `$wgServer` and `$wgArticlePath`, by splitting it at the last '/' in the * path portion. */ private function determineArticlePath(): void { $url = $this->config->get( 'Server' ) . $this->config->get( 'ArticlePath' ); if ( substr( $url, -2 ) !== '$1' ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "Article path '$url' does not have '$1' at the end" ); } $url = substr( $url, 0, -2 ); $bits = wfParseUrl( $url ); if ( !$bits ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "Failed to parse article path '$url'" ); } if ( empty( $bits['path'] ) ) { $path = '/'; } else { $path = wfRemoveDotSegments( $bits['path'] ); } $relParts = [ 'query' => true, 'fragment' => true ]; $base = array_diff_key( $bits, $relParts ); $rel = array_intersect_key( $bits, $relParts ); $i = strrpos( $path, '/' ); $base['path'] = substr( $path, 0, $i + 1 ); $rel['path'] = '.' . substr( $path, $i ); $this->baseUri = wfAssembleUrl( $base ); $this->relativeLinkPrefix = wfAssembleUrl( $rel ); } public function baseURI(): string { if ( $this->baseUri === null ) { $this->determineArticlePath(); } return $this->baseUri; } public function relativeLinkPrefix(): string { if ( $this->relativeLinkPrefix === null ) { $this->determineArticlePath(); } return $this->relativeLinkPrefix; } /** * This is very similar to MagicWordArray::getBaseRegex() except we * don't emit the named grouping constructs, which can cause havoc * when embedded in other regexps with grouping constructs. * * @param MagicWordFactory $factory * @param MagicWordArray $magicWordArray * @param string $delimiter * @return string */ private static function mwaToRegex( MagicWordFactory $factory, MagicWordArray $magicWordArray, string $delimiter = '/' ): string { $regex = [ 0 => [], 1 => [] ]; foreach ( $magicWordArray->getNames() as $name ) { $magic = $factory->get( $name ); $case = $magic->isCaseSensitive() ? 1 : 0; foreach ( $magic->getSynonyms() as $syn ) { $regex[$case][] = preg_quote( $syn, $delimiter ); } } '@phan-var array $regex'; /** @var array $regex */ $result = []; if ( count( $regex[1] ) > 0 ) { $result[] = implode( '|', $regex[1] ); } if ( count( $regex[0] ) > 0 ) { $result[] = '(?i:' . implode( '|', $regex[0] ) . ')'; } return count( $result ) ? implode( '|', $result ) : '(?!)'; } public function redirectRegexp(): string { $mwFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMagicWordFactory(); $redirect = self::mwaToRegex( $mwFactory, $mwFactory->newArray( [ 'redirect' ] ), '@' ); return "@$redirect@"; } public function categoryRegexp(): string { $namespaceInfo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo(); $canon = $namespaceInfo->getCanonicalName( NS_CATEGORY ); $result = [ $canon ]; foreach ( $this->contLang->getNamespaceAliases() as $alias => $ns ) { if ( $ns === NS_CATEGORY && $alias !== $canon ) { $result[] = $alias; } } $category = implode( '|', array_map( function ( $v ) { return $this->quoteTitleRe( $v, '@' ); }, $result ) ); return "@(?i:$category)@"; } public function bswRegexp(): string { $mwFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMagicWordFactory(); $words = $mwFactory->getDoubleUnderscoreArray(); $bsw = self::mwaToRegex( $mwFactory, $mwFactory->getDoubleUnderscoreArray(), '@' ); return "@$bsw@"; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function canonicalNamespaceId( string $name ): ?int { $ret = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->getCanonicalIndex( $name ); return $ret === false ? null : $ret; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function namespaceId( string $name ): ?int { $ret = $this->contLang->getNsIndex( $name ); return $ret === false ? null : $ret; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function namespaceName( int $ns ): ?string { $ret = $this->contLang->getFormattedNsText( $ns ); return $ret === '' && $ns !== NS_MAIN ? null : $ret; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function namespaceHasSubpages( int $ns ): bool { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->hasSubpages( $ns ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function namespaceCase( int $ns ): string { $nsInfo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo(); return $nsInfo->isCapitalized( $ns ) ? 'first-letter' : 'case-sensitive'; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function namespaceIsTalk( int $ns ): bool { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->isTalk( $ns ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function ucfirst( string $str ): string { return $this->contLang->ucfirst( $str ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function specialPageLocalName( string $alias ): ?string { $specialPageFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSpecialPageFactory(); $aliases = $specialPageFactory->resolveAlias( $alias ); return $aliases[0] !== null ? $specialPageFactory->getLocalNameFor( ...$aliases ) : $alias; } public function interwikiMagic(): bool { return $this->config->get( 'InterwikiMagic' ); } public function interwikiMap(): array { // Unfortunate that this mostly duplicates \ApiQuerySiteinfo::appendInterwikiMap() if ( $this->interwikiMap === null ) { $this->interwikiMap = []; $getPrefixes = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getInterwikiLookup()->getAllPrefixes(); $langNames = Language::fetchLanguageNames(); $extraLangPrefixes = $this->config->get( 'ExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes' ); $localInterwikis = $this->config->get( 'LocalInterwikis' ); foreach ( $getPrefixes as $row ) { $prefix = $row['iw_prefix']; $val = []; $val['prefix'] = $prefix; $val['url'] = wfExpandUrl( $row['iw_url'], PROTO_CURRENT ); // Fix up broken interwiki hrefs that are missing a $1 placeholder // Just append the placeholder at the end. // This makes sure that the interwikiMatcher adds one match // group per URI, and that interwiki links work as expected. if ( strpos( $val['url'], '$1' ) === false ) { $val['url'] .= '$1'; } if ( substr( $row['iw_url'], 0, 2 ) == '//' ) { $val['protorel'] = true; } if ( isset( $row['iw_local'] ) && $row['iw_local'] == '1' ) { $val['local'] = true; } if ( isset( $langNames[$prefix] ) ) { $val['language'] = true; } if ( in_array( $prefix, $localInterwikis, true ) ) { $val['localinterwiki'] = true; } if ( in_array( $prefix, $extraLangPrefixes, true ) ) { $val['extralanglink'] = true; $linktext = wfMessage( "interlanguage-link-$prefix" ); if ( !$linktext->isDisabled() ) { $val['linktext'] = $linktext->text(); } } $this->interwikiMap[$prefix] = $val; } } return $this->interwikiMap; } public function iwp(): string { return wfWikiID(); } public function legalTitleChars() : string { return Title::legalChars(); } public function linkPrefixRegex(): ?string { if ( !$this->contLang->linkPrefixExtension() ) { return null; } return '/[' . $this->contLang->linkPrefixCharset() . ']+$/Du'; } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function linkTrail(): string { return $this->contLang->linkTrail(); } public function lang(): string { return $this->config->get( 'LanguageCode' ); } public function mainpage(): string { return Title::newMainPage()->getPrefixedText(); } public function responsiveReferences(): array { // @todo This is from the Cite extension, which shouldn't be known about by core return [ 'enabled' => $this->config->has( 'CiteResponsiveReferences' ) ? $this->config->get( 'CiteResponsiveReferences' ) : false, 'threshold' => 10, ]; } public function rtl(): bool { return $this->contLang->isRTL(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function langConverterEnabled( string $lang ): bool { try { return !$this->config->get( 'DisableLangConversion' ) && in_array( $lang, LanguageConverter::$languagesWithVariants, true ) && !Language::factory( $lang )->getConverter() instanceof FakeConverter; } catch ( \MWException $ex ) { // Probably a syntactically invalid language code return false; } } public function script(): string { return $this->config->get( 'Script' ); } public function scriptpath(): string { return $this->config->get( 'ScriptPath' ); } public function server(): string { return $this->config->get( 'Server' ); } public function getModulesLoadURI(): string { return $this->config->get( 'LoadScript' ); } public function timezoneOffset(): int { return $this->config->get( 'LocalTZoffset' ); } public function variants(): array { if ( $this->variants === null ) { $this->variants = []; $langNames = LanguageConverter::$languagesWithVariants; if ( $this->config->get( 'DisableLangConversion' ) ) { // Ensure result is empty if language conversion is disabled. $langNames = []; } foreach ( $langNames as $langCode ) { $lang = Language::factory( $langCode ); if ( $lang->getConverter() instanceof FakeConverter ) { // Only languages which do not return instances of // FakeConverter implement language conversion. continue; } $variants = $lang->getVariants(); foreach ( $variants as $v ) { $fallbacks = $lang->getConverter()->getVariantFallbacks( $v ); if ( !is_array( $fallbacks ) ) { $fallbacks = [ $fallbacks ]; } $this->variants[$v] = [ 'base' => $langCode, 'fallbacks' => $fallbacks, ]; } } } return $this->variants; } public function widthOption(): int { return $this->config->get( 'ThumbLimits' )[User::getDefaultOption( 'thumbsize' )]; } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function getVariableIDs(): array { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMagicWordFactory()->getVariableIDs(); } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function getFunctionHooks(): array { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getParser()->getFunctionHooks(); } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function getMagicWords(): array { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->getMagicWords(); } public function getMagicWordMatcher( string $id ): string { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMagicWordFactory() ->get( $id )->getRegexStartToEnd(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getParameterizedAliasMatcher( array $words ): callable { // PORT-FIXME: this should be combined with // getMediaPrefixParameterizedAliasMatcher; see PORT-FIXME comment // in that method. // Filter out timedmedia-* unless that extension is loaded, so Parsoid // doesn't have a hard dependency on an extension. if ( !\ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'TimedMediaHandler' ) ) { $words = preg_grep( '/^timedmedia_/', $words, PREG_GREP_INVERT ); } $words = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMagicWordFactory() ->newArray( $words ); return function ( $text ) use ( $words ) { $ret = $words->matchVariableStartToEnd( $text ); if ( $ret[0] === false || $ret[1] === false ) { return null; } else { return [ 'k' => $ret[0], 'v' => $ret[1] ]; } }; } private function populateExtensionTags(): void { $parser = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getParser(); $this->extensionTags = array_fill_keys( $parser->getTags(), true ); } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function getNonNativeExtensionTags(): array { if ( $this->extensionTags === null ) { $this->populateExtensionTags(); } return $this->extensionTags; } public function getMaxTemplateDepth(): int { return (int)$this->config->get( 'MaxTemplateDepth' ); } /** * Overrides the max template depth in the MediaWiki configuration. * @param int $depth */ public function setMaxTemplateDepth( int $depth ): void { if ( $this->config instanceof MutableConfig ) { $this->config->set( 'MaxTemplateDepth', $depth ); } else { // Fall back on global variable (hopefully we're using // a GlobalVarConfig and this will work) $GLOBALS['wgMaxTemplateDepth'] = $depth; } } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function getSpecialNSAliases(): array { $nsAliases = [ 'Special', $this->quoteTitleRe( $this->contLang->getNsText( NS_SPECIAL ) ) ]; foreach ( array_merge( $this->config->get( 'NamespaceAliases' ), $this->contLang->getNamespaceAliases() ) as $name => $ns ) { if ( $ns === NS_SPECIAL ) { $nsAliases[] = $this->quoteTitleRe( $name ); } } return $nsAliases; } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function getSpecialPageAliases( string $specialPage ): array { return array_merge( [ $specialPage ], $this->contLang->getSpecialPageAliases()[$specialPage] ?? [] ); } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function getProtocols(): array { return $this->config->get( 'UrlProtocols' ); } }