local language = {} local php local util = require 'libraryUtil' function language.setupInterface() -- Boilerplate language.setupInterface = nil php = mw_interface mw_interface = nil -- Register this library in the "mw" global mw = mw or {} mw.language = language mw.getContentLanguage = language.getContentLanguage mw.getLanguage = mw.language.new local lang = mw.getContentLanguage(); -- Extend ustring if mw.ustring then mw.ustring.upper = function ( s ) return lang:uc( s ) end mw.ustring.lower = function ( s ) return lang:lc( s ) end string.uupper = mw.ustring.upper string.ulower = mw.ustring.lower end package.loaded['mw.language'] = language end function language.isSupportedLanguage( code ) return php.isSupportedLanguage( code ) end function language.isKnownLanguageTag( code ) return php.isKnownLanguageTag( code ) end function language.isValidCode( code ) return php.isValidCode( code ) end function language.isValidBuiltInCode( code ) return php.isValidBuiltInCode( code ) end function language.fetchLanguageName( code, inLanguage ) return php.fetchLanguageName( code, inLanguage ) end function language.fetchLanguageNames( inLanguage, include ) return php.fetchLanguageNames( inLanguage, include ) end function language.getFallbacksFor( code ) return php.getFallbacksFor( code ) end function language.new( code ) if code == nil then error( "too few arguments to mw.language.new()", 2 ) end local lang = { code = code } local checkSelf = util.makeCheckSelfFunction( 'mw.language', 'lang', lang, 'language object' ) local wrappers = { lcfirst = 1, ucfirst = 1, lc = 1, uc = 1, caseFold = 1, formatNum = 1, formatDate = 1, formatDuration = 1, getDurationIntervals = 1, convertPlural = 2, convertGrammar = 2, gender = 2, } for name, numArgs in pairs( wrappers ) do lang[name] = function ( self, ... ) checkSelf( self, name ) if select( '#', ... ) < numArgs then error( "too few arguments to mw.language:" .. name, 2 ) end return php[name]( self.code, ... ) end end -- This one could use caching function lang:isRTL() checkSelf( self, 'isRTL' ) local rtl = php.isRTL( self.code ) self.isRTL = function () return rtl end return rtl end -- Fix semantics function lang:parseFormattedNumber( ... ) checkSelf( self, 'parseFormattedNumber' ) if select( '#', ... ) < 1 then error( "too few arguments to mw.language:parseFormattedNumber", 2 ) end return tonumber( php.parseFormattedNumber( self.code, ... ) ) end -- Alias lang.plural = lang.convertPlural -- Parser function compat function lang:grammar( case, word ) checkSelf( self, name ) return self:convertGrammar( word, case ) end -- Other functions function lang:getCode() checkSelf( self, 'getCode' ) return self.code end function lang:getDir() checkSelf( self, 'getDir' ) return self:isRTL() and 'rtl' or 'ltr' end function lang:getDirMark( opposite ) checkSelf( self, 'getDirMark' ) local b = self:isRTL() if opposite then b = not b end return b and '\226\128\143' or '\226\128\142' end function lang:getDirMarkEntity( opposite ) checkSelf( self, 'getDirMarkEntity' ) local b = self:isRTL() if opposite then b = not b end return b and '‏' or '‎' end function lang:getArrow( direction ) checkSelf( self, 'getArrow' ) direction = direction or 'forwards' util.checkType( 'getArrow', 1, direction, 'string' ) if direction == 'forwards' then return self:isRTL() and '←' or '→' elseif direction == 'backwards' then return self:isRTL() and '→' or '←' elseif direction == 'left' then return '←' elseif direction == 'right' then return '→' elseif direction == 'up' then return '↑' elseif direction == 'down' then return '↓' end end function lang:getFallbackLanguages() checkSelf( self, 'getFallbackLanguages' ) return language.getFallbacksFor( self.code ) end return lang end local contLangCode function language.getContentLanguage() if contLangCode == nil then contLangCode = php.getContLangCode() end return language.new( contLangCode ) end return language