*/ $IP = getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ); if ( $IP === false ) { $IP = __DIR__ . '/../../..'; } require_once "$IP/maintenance/Maintenance.php"; class RenameUserCleanup extends Maintenance { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->addDescription( 'Maintenance script to finish incomplete rename user,' . ' in particular to reassign edits that were missed' ); $this->addOption( 'olduser', 'Old user name', true, true ); $this->addOption( 'newuser', 'New user name', true, true ); $this->addOption( 'olduid', 'Old user id in revision records (DANGEROUS)', false, true ); $this->setBatchSize( 1000 ); $this->requireExtension( 'Renameuser' ); } public function execute() { if ( !RenameuserSQL::actorMigrationWriteOld() ) { $this->output( "Core xx_user_text fields are no longer used, no updates should be needed.\n" ); return; } $this->output( "Rename User Cleanup starting...\n\n" ); $olduser = User::newFromName( $this->getOption( 'olduser' ) ); $newuser = User::newFromName( $this->getOption( 'newuser' ) ); $olduid = $this->getOption( 'olduid' ); $this->checkUserExistence( $olduser, $newuser ); $this->checkRenameLog( $olduser, $newuser ); if ( $olduid ) { $this->doUpdates( $olduser, $newuser, $olduid ); } $this->doUpdates( $olduser, $newuser, $newuser->getId() ); $this->doUpdates( $olduser, $newuser, 0 ); $this->output( "Done!\n" ); } /** * @param User $olduser * @param User $newuser */ public function checkUserExistence( $olduser, $newuser ) { if ( !$newuser->getId() ) { $this->fatalError( 'No such user: ' . $this->getOption( 'newuser' ) ); } if ( $olduser->getId() ) { $this->output( 'WARNING!!: Old user still exists: ' . $this->getOption( 'olduser' ) . "\n" ); $this->output( 'We\'ll only re-attribute edits that have the new user uid (or 0) ' ); $this->output( 'or the uid specified by the caller, and the old user name.' ); $this->output( 'Proceed anyway? [N/y] ' ); $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'rt' ); $line = fgets( $stdin ); fclose( $stdin ); if ( $line[0] !== 'Y' && $line[0] !== 'y' ) { $this->output( "Exiting at users request\n" ); } } } /** * @param User $olduser * @param User $newuser */ public function checkRenameLog( $olduser, $newuser ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $oldTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $olduser->getName() ); $result = $dbr->select( 'logging', '*', [ 'log_type' => 'renameuser', 'log_action' => 'renameuser', 'log_namespace' => NS_USER, 'log_title' => $oldTitle->getDBkey(), 'log_params' => $newuser->getName() ], __METHOD__ ); if ( !$result || !$result->numRows() ) { // try the old format if ( class_exists( CommentStore::class ) ) { $commentStore = CommentStore::getStore(); $commentQuery = $commentStore->getJoin( 'log_comment' ); } else { $commentStore = null; $commentQuery = [ 'tables' => [], 'fields' => [ 'log_comment' => 'log_comment' ], 'joins' => [], ]; } $result = $dbr->select( [ 'logging' ] + $commentQuery['tables'], [ 'log_title', 'log_timestamp' ] + $commentQuery['fields'], [ 'log_type' => 'renameuser', 'log_action' => 'renameuser', 'log_namespace' => NS_USER, 'log_title' => $olduser->getName(), ], __METHOD__, [], $commentQuery['joins'] ); if ( !$result || !$result->numRows() ) { $this->output( 'No log entry found for a rename of ' . $olduser->getName() . ' to ' . $newuser->getName() . ', proceed anyways? [N/y] ' ); $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'rt' ); $line = fgets( $stdin ); fclose( $stdin ); if ( $line[0] !== 'Y' && $line[0] !== 'y' ) { $this->output( "Exiting at user's request\n" ); exit( 1 ); } } else { foreach ( $result as $row ) { $comment = $commentStore ? $commentStore->getComment( 'log_comment', $row )->text : $row->log_comment; $this->output( 'Found possible log entry of the rename, please check: ' . $row->log_title . ' with comment ' . $comment . " on $row->log_timestamp\n" ); } } } else { foreach ( $result as $row ) { $this->output( 'Found log entry of the rename: ' . $olduser->getName() . ' to ' . $newuser->getName() . " on $row->log_timestamp\n" ); } } if ( $result && $result->numRows() > 1 ) { print 'More than one rename entry found in the log, not sure ' . 'what to do. Proceed anyways? [N/y] '; $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'rt' ); $line = fgets( $stdin ); fclose( $stdin ); if ( $line[0] !== 'Y' && $line[0] !== 'y' ) { $this->output( "Exiting at users request\n" ); exit( 1 ); } } } /** * @param User $olduser * @param User $newuser * @param int $uid */ public function doUpdates( $olduser, $newuser, $uid ) { $this->updateTable( 'revision', 'rev_user_text', 'rev_user', 'rev_timestamp', $olduser, $newuser, $uid ); $this->updateTable( 'archive', 'ar_user_text', 'ar_user', 'ar_timestamp', $olduser, $newuser, $uid ); $this->updateTable( 'logging', 'log_user_text', 'log_user', 'log_timestamp', $olduser, $newuser, $uid ); $this->updateTable( 'image', 'img_user_text', 'img_user', 'img_timestamp', $olduser, $newuser, $uid ); $this->updateTable( 'oldimage', 'oi_user_text', 'oi_user', 'oi_timestamp', $olduser, $newuser, $uid ); $this->updateTable( 'filearchive', 'fa_user_text', 'fa_user', 'fa_timestamp', $olduser, $newuser, $uid ); } /** * @param string $table * @param string $usernamefield * @param string $useridfield * @param string $timestampfield * @param User $olduser * @param User $newuser * @param int $uid */ public function updateTable( $table, $usernamefield, $useridfield, $timestampfield, $olduser, $newuser, $uid ) { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $contribs = $dbw->selectField( $table, 'count(*)', [ $usernamefield => $olduser->getName(), $useridfield => $uid ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $contribs === 0 ) { $this->output( "No edits to be re-attributed from table $table for uid $uid\n" ); return; } $this->output( "Found $contribs edits to be re-attributed from table $table for uid $uid\n" ); if ( $uid !== $newuser->getId() ) { $this->output( 'If you proceed, the uid field will be set to that ' . 'of the new user name (i.e. ' . $newuser->getId() . ") in these rows.\n" ); } $this->output( 'Proceed? [N/y] ' ); $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'rt' ); $line = fgets( $stdin ); fclose( $stdin ); if ( $line[0] !== 'Y' && $line[0] !== 'y' ) { $this->output( "Skipping at user's request\n" ); return; } $selectConds = [ $usernamefield => $olduser->getName(), $useridfield => $uid ]; $updateFields = [ $usernamefield => $newuser->getName(), $useridfield => $newuser->getId() ]; while ( $contribs > 0 ) { $this->output( 'Doing batch of up to approximately ' . $this->mBatchSize . "\n" ); $this->output( 'Do this batch? [N/y] ' ); $stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'rt' ); $line = fgets( $stdin ); fclose( $stdin ); if ( $line[0] !== 'Y' && $line[0] !== 'y' ) { $this->output( "Skipping at user's request\n" ); return; } $this->beginTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); $result = $dbw->select( $table, $timestampfield, $selectConds, __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => $timestampfield . ' DESC', 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize ] ); if ( !$result ) { $this->output( "There were rows for updating but now they are gone. Skipping.\n" ); $this->rollbackTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); return; } $result->seek( $result->numRows() - 1 ); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $timestamp = $dbw->addQuotes( $row->$timestampfield ); $updateCondsWithTime = array_merge( $selectConds, [ "$timestampfield >= $timestamp" ] ); $success = $dbw->update( $table, $updateFields, $updateCondsWithTime, __METHOD__ ); if ( $success ) { $rowsDone = $dbw->affectedRows(); $this->commitTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); } else { $this->rollbackTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); $this->fatalError( "Problem with the update, rolling back and exiting\n" ); throw new LogicException(); } // $contribs = User::edits( $olduser->getId() ); $contribs = $dbw->selectField( $table, 'count(*)', $selectConds, __METHOD__ ); $this->output( "Updated $rowsDone edits; $contribs edits remaining to be re-attributed\n" ); } } } $maintClass = RenameUserCleanup::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;