# encoding: utf-8 When /^I click the options icon$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_icon_element.click end Then /^the options menu should appear with the prompt to disable$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_menu_disable_element.should be_visible end Then /^the options menu should disappear$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_menu_disable_element.should_not be_visible end When /^I click the enable button$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_enable_button_element.click end When /^I click the disable button$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_disable_button_element.click end When /^I click the disable cancel button$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_disable_cancel_button_element.click end When /^I click the enable X icon$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_enable_x_icon_element.click end When /^I click the disable X icon$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_disable_x_icon_element.click end When /^I disable MMV$/ do step 'I click the options icon' step 'I click the disable button' end When /^I reenable MMV$/ do step 'I disable MMV' step 'I click the options icon' step 'I click the enable button' end When /^I click the options icon with MMV disabled$/ do step 'I disable MMV' step 'I click the options icon' end When /^I disable and close MMV$/ do step 'I disable MMV' step 'I close MMV' end Then /^the disable confirmation should appear$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_disable_confirmation_element.should be_visible end Then /^the enable confirmation should appear$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_options_enable_confirmation_element.should be_visible end Then /^I am taken to the file page$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| page.current_url.should match %r{/File:} page.current_url.should_not match %r{#/media} end end