addDescription( 'Fetches translation updates to MediaWiki core, skins and extensions.' ); $this->addOption( 'repoid', 'Fetch translations from repositories identified by this', false, /*required*/ true /*has arg*/ ); $this->requireExtension( 'LocalisationUpdate' ); } public function execute() { // Prevent the script from timing out set_time_limit( 0 ); ini_set( "max_execution_time", 0 ); ini_set( 'memory_limit', -1 ); global $IP; global $wgLocalisationUpdateRepositories; global $wgLocalisationUpdateRepository; $dir = LocalisationUpdate::getDirectory(); if ( !$dir ) { $this->error( "No cache directory configured", true ); return; } $lc = Language::getLocalisationCache(); $messagesDirs = $lc->getMessagesDirs(); $finder = new LocalisationUpdate\Finder( $messagesDirs, $IP ); $readerFactory = new LocalisationUpdate\ReaderFactory(); $fetcherFactory = new LocalisationUpdate\FetcherFactory(); $repoid = $this->getOption( 'repoid', $wgLocalisationUpdateRepository ); if ( !isset( $wgLocalisationUpdateRepositories[$repoid] ) ) { $known = implode( ', ', array_keys( $wgLocalisationUpdateRepositories ) ); $this->error( "Unknown repoid $repoid; known: $known", true ); return; } $repos = $wgLocalisationUpdateRepositories[$repoid]; // output and error methods are protected, hence we add logInfo and logError // public methods, that hopefully won't conflict in the future with the base class. $logger = $this; // Do it ;) $updater = new LocalisationUpdate\Updater(); $updatedMessages = $updater->execute( $finder, $readerFactory, $fetcherFactory, $repos, $logger ); // Store it ;) $count = array_sum( array_map( 'count', $updatedMessages ) ); if ( !$count ) { $this->output( "Found no new translations\n" ); return; } foreach ( $updatedMessages as $language => $messages ) { $filename = "$dir/" . LocalisationUpdate::getFilename( $language ); file_put_contents( $filename, FormatJson::encode( $messages, true ) ); } $this->output( "Saved $count new translations\n" ); } public function logInfo( $msg ) { $this->output( $msg . "\n" ); } public function logError( $msg ) { $this->error( $msg ); } } $maintClass = Update::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;