*/ class UriRetriever implements BaseUriRetrieverInterface { /** * @var array Map of URL translations */ protected $translationMap = array( // use local copies of the spec schemas '|^https?://json-schema.org/draft-(0[34])/schema#?|' => 'package://dist/schema/json-schema-draft-$1.json' ); /** * @var array A list of endpoints for media type check exclusion */ protected $allowedInvalidContentTypeEndpoints = array( 'http://json-schema.org/', 'https://json-schema.org/' ); /** * @var null|UriRetrieverInterface */ protected $uriRetriever = null; /** * @var array|object[] * * @see loadSchema */ private $schemaCache = array(); /** * Adds an endpoint to the media type validation exclusion list * * @param string $endpoint */ public function addInvalidContentTypeEndpoint($endpoint) { $this->allowedInvalidContentTypeEndpoints[] = $endpoint; } /** * Guarantee the correct media type was encountered * * @param UriRetrieverInterface $uriRetriever * @param string $uri * * @return bool|void */ public function confirmMediaType($uriRetriever, $uri) { $contentType = $uriRetriever->getContentType(); if (is_null($contentType)) { // Well, we didn't get an invalid one return; } if (in_array($contentType, array(Validator::SCHEMA_MEDIA_TYPE, 'application/json'))) { return; } foreach ($this->allowedInvalidContentTypeEndpoints as $endpoint) { if (strpos($uri, $endpoint) === 0) { return true; } } throw new InvalidSchemaMediaTypeException(sprintf('Media type %s expected', Validator::SCHEMA_MEDIA_TYPE)); } /** * Get a URI Retriever * * If none is specified, sets a default FileGetContents retriever and * returns that object. * * @return UriRetrieverInterface */ public function getUriRetriever() { if (is_null($this->uriRetriever)) { $this->setUriRetriever(new FileGetContents()); } return $this->uriRetriever; } /** * Resolve a schema based on pointer * * URIs can have a fragment at the end in the format of * #/path/to/object and we are to look up the 'path' property of * the first object then the 'to' and 'object' properties. * * @param object $jsonSchema JSON Schema contents * @param string $uri JSON Schema URI * * @throws ResourceNotFoundException * * @return object JSON Schema after walking down the fragment pieces */ public function resolvePointer($jsonSchema, $uri) { $resolver = new UriResolver(); $parsed = $resolver->parse($uri); if (empty($parsed['fragment'])) { return $jsonSchema; } $path = explode('/', $parsed['fragment']); while ($path) { $pathElement = array_shift($path); if (!empty($pathElement)) { $pathElement = str_replace('~1', '/', $pathElement); $pathElement = str_replace('~0', '~', $pathElement); if (!empty($jsonSchema->$pathElement)) { $jsonSchema = $jsonSchema->$pathElement; } else { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( 'Fragment "' . $parsed['fragment'] . '" not found' . ' in ' . $uri ); } if (!is_object($jsonSchema)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( 'Fragment part "' . $pathElement . '" is no object ' . ' in ' . $uri ); } } } return $jsonSchema; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function retrieve($uri, $baseUri = null, $translate = true) { $resolver = new UriResolver(); $resolvedUri = $fetchUri = $resolver->resolve($uri, $baseUri); //fetch URL without #fragment $arParts = $resolver->parse($resolvedUri); if (isset($arParts['fragment'])) { unset($arParts['fragment']); $fetchUri = $resolver->generate($arParts); } // apply URI translations if ($translate) { $fetchUri = $this->translate($fetchUri); } $jsonSchema = $this->loadSchema($fetchUri); // Use the JSON pointer if specified $jsonSchema = $this->resolvePointer($jsonSchema, $resolvedUri); if ($jsonSchema instanceof \stdClass) { $jsonSchema->id = $resolvedUri; } return $jsonSchema; } /** * Fetch a schema from the given URI, json-decode it and return it. * Caches schema objects. * * @param string $fetchUri Absolute URI * * @return object JSON schema object */ protected function loadSchema($fetchUri) { if (isset($this->schemaCache[$fetchUri])) { return $this->schemaCache[$fetchUri]; } $uriRetriever = $this->getUriRetriever(); $contents = $this->uriRetriever->retrieve($fetchUri); $this->confirmMediaType($uriRetriever, $fetchUri); $jsonSchema = json_decode($contents); if (JSON_ERROR_NONE < $error = json_last_error()) { throw new JsonDecodingException($error); } $this->schemaCache[$fetchUri] = $jsonSchema; return $jsonSchema; } /** * Set the URI Retriever * * @param UriRetrieverInterface $uriRetriever * * @return $this for chaining */ public function setUriRetriever(UriRetrieverInterface $uriRetriever) { $this->uriRetriever = $uriRetriever; return $this; } /** * Parses a URI into five main components * * @param string $uri * * @return array */ public function parse($uri) { preg_match('|^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?|', $uri, $match); $components = array(); if (5 < count($match)) { $components = array( 'scheme' => $match[2], 'authority' => $match[4], 'path' => $match[5] ); } if (7 < count($match)) { $components['query'] = $match[7]; } if (9 < count($match)) { $components['fragment'] = $match[9]; } return $components; } /** * Builds a URI based on n array with the main components * * @param array $components * * @return string */ public function generate(array $components) { $uri = $components['scheme'] . '://' . $components['authority'] . $components['path']; if (array_key_exists('query', $components)) { $uri .= $components['query']; } if (array_key_exists('fragment', $components)) { $uri .= $components['fragment']; } return $uri; } /** * Resolves a URI * * @param string $uri Absolute or relative * @param string $baseUri Optional base URI * * @return string */ public function resolve($uri, $baseUri = null) { $components = $this->parse($uri); $path = $components['path']; if ((array_key_exists('scheme', $components)) && ('http' === $components['scheme'])) { return $uri; } $baseComponents = $this->parse($baseUri); $basePath = $baseComponents['path']; $baseComponents['path'] = UriResolver::combineRelativePathWithBasePath($path, $basePath); return $this->generate($baseComponents); } /** * @param string $uri * * @return bool */ public function isValid($uri) { $components = $this->parse($uri); return !empty($components); } /** * Set a URL translation rule */ public function setTranslation($from, $to) { $this->translationMap[$from] = $to; } /** * Apply URI translation rules */ public function translate($uri) { foreach ($this->translationMap as $from => $to) { $uri = preg_replace($from, $to, $uri); } // translate references to local files within the json-schema package $uri = preg_replace('|^package://|', sprintf('file://%s/', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../..')), $uri); return $uri; } }