true] to back up the original values of title * and description in _origtitle and _origdescription */ public function __construct( Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame = null, array $options = [] ) { $this->parser = $parser; $this->frame = $frame; $this->options = $options; // @fixme: More precise config? $this->mapService = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getMainConfig() ->get( 'KartographerMapServer' ); } /** * Parses string into JSON and performs validation/sanitization * * @param string|null $input * @return Status */ public function parse( $input ) { $input = trim( $input ); $status = Status::newGood( [] ); if ( $input !== '' && $input !== null ) { $status = FormatJson::parse( $input, FormatJson::TRY_FIXING | FormatJson::STRIP_COMMENTS ); if ( $status->isOK() ) { $status = $this->parseObject( $status->value ); } else { $status = Status::newFatal( 'kartographer-error-json', $status->getMessage() ); } } return $status; } /** * Validate and sanitize a parsed GeoJSON data object * * @param array|object &$data * @return Status */ public function parseObject( &$data ) { if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { $data = [ $data ]; } $status = $this->validateContent( $data ); if ( $status->isOK() ) { $status = $this->normalizeAndSanitize( $data ); } return $status; } /** * Normalize an object * * @param stdClass[] &$data * @return Status */ public function normalizeAndSanitize( &$data ) { $status = $this->normalize( $data ); $this->sanitize( $data ); return $status; } /** * @param stdClass[] &$values * @param stdClass &$counters counter-name -> integer * @return bool|array [ marker, marker properties ] */ public static function doCountersRecursive( array &$values, &$counters ) { $firstMarker = false; foreach ( $values as $item ) { if ( property_exists( $item, 'properties' ) && property_exists( $item->properties, 'marker-symbol' ) ) { $marker = $item->properties->{'marker-symbol'}; // all special markers begin with a dash // both 'number' and 'letter' have 6 symbols $type = substr( $marker, 0, 7 ); $isNumber = $type === '-number'; if ( $isNumber || $type === '-letter' ) { // numbers 1..99 or letters a..z $count = property_exists( $counters, $marker ) ? $counters->$marker : 0; if ( $count < ( $isNumber ? 99 : 26 ) ) { $counters->$marker = ++$count; } $marker = $isNumber ? strval( $count ) : chr( ord( 'a' ) + $count - 1 ); $item->properties->{'marker-symbol'} = $marker; if ( $firstMarker === false ) { // GeoJSON is in lowercase, but the letter is shown as uppercase $firstMarker = [ mb_strtoupper( $marker ), $item->properties ]; } } } if ( !property_exists( $item, 'type' ) ) { continue; } $type = $item->type; if ( $type === 'FeatureCollection' && property_exists( $item, 'features' ) ) { $tmp = self::doCountersRecursive( $item->features, $counters ); if ( $firstMarker === false ) { $firstMarker = $tmp; } } elseif ( $type === 'GeometryCollection' && property_exists( $item, 'geometries' ) ) { $tmp = self::doCountersRecursive( $item->geometries, $counters ); if ( $firstMarker === false ) { $firstMarker = $tmp; } } } return $firstMarker; } /** * @param mixed $json * @return Status */ protected function validateContent( $json ) { $schema = self::loadSchema(); $validator = new Validator(); $validator->check( $json, $schema ); if ( !$validator->isValid() ) { return Status::newFatal( 'kartographer-error-bad_data' ); } return Status::newGood(); } /** * Performs recursive sanitizaton. * Does not attempt to be smart, just recurses through everything that can be dangerous even * if not a valid GeoJSON. * * @param object|array &$json */ protected function sanitize( &$json ) { if ( is_array( $json ) ) { foreach ( $json as &$element ) { $this->sanitize( $element ); } } elseif ( is_object( $json ) ) { foreach ( array_keys( get_object_vars( $json ) ) as $prop ) { // if ( $prop[0] === '_' ) { unset( $json->$prop ); } else { $this->sanitize( $json->$prop ); } } if ( property_exists( $json, 'properties' ) && is_object( $json->properties ) ) { $this->sanitizeProperties( $json->properties ); } } } /** * Normalizes JSON * * @param array &$json * @return Status */ protected function normalize( array &$json ) { $status = Status::newGood(); foreach ( $json as &$object ) { if ( $object->type === 'ExternalData' ) { $status->merge( $this->normalizeExternalData( $object ) ); } } $status->value = $json; return $status; } /** * Canonicalizes an ExternalData object * * @param object &$object * @return Status */ private function normalizeExternalData( &$object ) { $ret = (object)[ 'type' => 'ExternalData', 'service' => $object->service, ]; switch ( $object->service ) { case 'geoshape': case 'geoline': case 'geomask': $query = [ 'getgeojson' => 1 ]; if ( property_exists( $object, 'ids' ) ) { $query['ids'] = is_array( $object->ids ) ? implode( ',', $object->ids ) : preg_replace( '/\s*,\s*/', ',', $object->ids ); } if ( property_exists( $object, 'query' ) ) { $query['query'] = $object->query; } // 'geomask' service is the same as inverted geoshape service // Kartotherian does not support it, request it as geoshape $service = $object->service === 'geomask' ? 'geoshape' : $object->service; $ret->url = "{$this->mapService}/{$service}?" . wfArrayToCgi( $query ); if ( property_exists( $object, 'properties' ) ) { $ret->properties = $object->properties; } break; case 'page': $jct = JCSingleton::parseTitle( $object->title, NS_DATA ); if ( !$jct || JCSingleton::getContentClass( $jct->getConfig()->model ) !== JCMapDataContent::class ) { return Status::newFatal( 'kartographer-error-title', $object->title ); } $query = [ 'format' => 'json', 'formatversion' => '2', 'action' => 'jsondata', 'title' => $jct->getText(), ]; $ret->url = wfScript( 'api' ) . '?' . wfArrayToCgi( $query ); break; default: throw new LogicException( "Unexpected service name '{$object->service}'" ); } $object = $ret; return Status::newGood(); } /** * Sanitizes properties * * HACK: this function supports JsonConfig-style localization that doesn't pass validation * * @param object &$properties */ private function sanitizeProperties( &$properties ) { $saveUnparsed = $this->options['saveUnparsed'] ?? false; foreach ( self::$parsedProps as $prop ) { if ( property_exists( $properties, $prop ) ) { $property = &$properties->$prop; if ( is_string( $property ) ) { if ( $saveUnparsed ) { $properties->{"_orig$prop"} = $property; } $property = $this->parseText( $property ); } elseif ( is_object( $property ) ) { // Delete empty localizations if ( !count( get_object_vars( $property ) ) ) { unset( $properties->$prop ); } else { if ( $saveUnparsed ) { $properties->{"_orig$prop"} = $property; } foreach ( $property as $language => &$text ) { if ( !is_string( $text ) ) { unset( $property->$language ); } else { $text = $this->parseText( $text ); } } } } else { unset( $properties->$prop ); // Dunno what the hell it is, ditch } } } } /** * Parses property wikitext into HTML * * @param string $text * @return string */ private function parseText( $text ) { $text = $this->parser->recursiveTagParseFully( $text, $this->frame ); return trim( Parser::stripOuterParagraph( $text ) ); } private static function loadSchema() { static $schema; if ( !$schema ) { $basePath = 'file://' . dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/schemas'; $schema = (object)[ '$ref' => "$basePath/geojson.json" ]; } return $schema; } }