$infoClass = [ 'class' => 'mw-tabular-value-info' ];
$titleHeaders = [];
$nameHeaders = [];
$typeHeaders = [];
$rows = [];
$headerAttributes = [];
// Helper to add a class value to an array of attributes
$addErr = function ( array $attrs, $isValid ) {
if ( !$isValid ) {
$attrs['class'] = 'mw-tabular-error';
return $attrs;
// Helper to create a
element out of an array of raw HTML values
$makeRow = function ( array $values, array $attrs = [] ) {
return Html::rawElement( 'tr', $attrs, implode( '', $values ) );
$dataAttrs = [ 'class' => 'mw-tabular sortable' ];
if ( !$content->getValidationData() || $content->getValidationData()->error() ) {
$dataAttrs['class'] .= ' mw-tabular-error';
$flds = $content->getField( [ 'schema', 'fields' ] );
if ( $flds && !$flds->error() ) {
foreach ( $flds->getValue() as $fld ) {
$name = $content->getField( 'name', $fld );
$nameIsValid = $name && !$name->error();
$name = $nameIsValid ? $name->getValue() : '';
$title = $content->getField( 'title', $fld );
$titleIsValid = $title && !$title->error();
$title =
$titleIsValid ? JCUtils::pickLocalizedString( $title->getValue(), $lang, $name )
: '';
$type = $content->getField( 'type', $fld );
$typeIsValid = $type && !$type->error();
$type = $typeIsValid ? $type->getValue() : '';
$thAttr = [];
if ( $nameIsValid ) {
$thAttr['data-name'] = $name;
if ( $typeIsValid ) {
$thAttr['data-type'] = $type;
$headerAttributes[] = [ 'data-type' => $type ];
} else {
$headerAttributes[] = [];
$nameHeaders[] = Html::element( 'th', $addErr( $thAttr, $nameIsValid ), $name );
$typeHeaders[] =
Html::element( 'th', $addErr( $thAttr, $typeIsValid ),
$typeIsValid ? wfMessage( 'jsonconfig-type-name-' . $type )->plain() : '' );
$titleHeaders[] = Html::element( 'th', $addErr( $thAttr, $titleIsValid ), $title );
$data = $content->getField( 'data' );
if ( $data && !$data->error() ) {
foreach ( $data->getValue() as $row ) {
$rowIsValid = $row && $row instanceof JCValue && !$row->error();
$row = ( $row && $row instanceof JCValue ) ? $row->getValue() : $row;
if ( !is_array( $row ) ) {
$vals = [];
foreach ( $row as $column ) {
$colIsValid = $column && $column instanceof JCValue && !$column->error();
$column =
( $column && $column instanceof JCValue ) ? $column->getValue() : $column;
$header = $headerAttributes[ count( $vals ) ];
if ( !$colIsValid ) {
$header['class'] = 'mw-tabular-error';
if ( is_object( $column ) ) {
$valueSize = count( (array)$column );
$column =
htmlspecialchars( JCUtils::pickLocalizedString( $column, $lang ) ) .
Html::element( 'span', $infoClass, "($valueSize)" );
} elseif ( is_bool( $column ) ) {
$column = $column ? '☑' : '☐';
} elseif ( $column === null ) {
$header['class'] = 'mw-tabular-value-null';
$column = '';
$vals[] = Html::rawElement( 'td', $header, $column );
$rows[] = $makeRow( $vals, $rowIsValid ? [] : [ 'class' => 'mw-tabular-error' ] );
$html =
$content->renderDescription( $lang ) .
Html::rawElement( 'table', $dataAttrs, Html::rawElement( 'thead', [], implode( "\n", [
$makeRow( $nameHeaders, [ 'class' => 'mw-tabular-row-key' ] ),
$makeRow( $typeHeaders, [ 'class' => 'mw-tabular-row-type' ] ),
$makeRow( $titleHeaders, [ 'class' => 'mw-tabular-row-name' ] ),
] ) ) . Html::rawElement( 'tbody', [], implode( "\n", $rows ) ) ) .
) . $content->renderLicense();
return $html;
* Returns default content for this object
* @param string $modelId
* @return string
public function getDefault( $modelId ) {
$licenseIntro = JCContentView::getLicenseIntro();
return <<